Friday, December 18, 2020

Inauguration 2021 Report

We’re a month from Inauguration Day, and the Inauguration chart can be a good clue of how an administration will go. I wish I could say it’ll all work well and everyone will get along, but it’s a very conflict-laden chart.


The most significant aspect in the chart is Pluto right at the top, conjunct the Midheaven. The Midheaven signifies your public persona, and Pluto is the planet of transformation, which will be great for transforming the government to better represent the minorities and marginalized that Pluto represents, as Biden already has in his administration picks. Biden will use this side to bring about more equality and reform laws for greater justice. As The Astrologer’s Handbook describes this aspect, it can be “for the regeneration of the forces controlling society.”

But Pluto is also the planet of power, destruction, and death. With a different President, one could say having Pluto in this heightened position is about abuse of power from a fascist government, but we know that’s not how this one is going to play out. And so with this hanging over the chart, it could be like a funeral drape, signifying loss and grief. This would already be an accurate chart for one drawn during the worst of the pandemic, but the chart shows how the next four years will go.

Mars and Uranus

Over at 9 o’clock in the chart, Mars is exactly conjunct Uranus in the 12th House. Mars rules action and, at the extreme, warfare and fire and guns. And Uranus rules electricity, airplanes, invention, humanitarian ideals, and the unexpected. At its best, one could say this signifies bringing broadband to all of America, an innovation in wind turbines, or putting humanitarian goals into action. The Astrologer’s Handbook says, “Typical is the natural revolutionary or the leader whose purpose is to bring about drastic and sudden social change.”

But Mars conjunct Uranus can also be dangerous, as with car accidents and airplane crashes. There’s an impulsiveness and rebelling against constrictions, and one should be careful working with machinery and fire.

What’s troubling is that at its worst, that conjunction could suggest the unexpected use of firearms. An example of this would be when Mars was conjunct Uranus in the sky for Nov 22-26th, 2001, when a bunch of Taliban prisoners smuggled machine guns and grenades into a prison. A three-day battle erupted that was totally unexpected and brought about one of the worst conflicts of that war, with over 750 killed, including many of the Northern Alliance when an airstrike missed the prison, which also shows the danger of Mars conjunct Uranus.

In the same way, a Mars-Uranus conjunction could also mean a combination of firearms and airplanes, meaning a drone attack on the Inauguration. Since Trump won’t be there, his supporters won’t hold back in making themselves heard and disrupting the proceedings. And many will try for more than that, as with the armed drone attack that was used against President Maduro in Venezuela a few years ago. With the area so locked-down, that would be one of the ways those militia groups might attack from afar, if not to get the President-Elect, then to simply sow fear and make a show of their anger (Mars) and rebellion (Uranus).

Also, because this conjunction is in the 12th House, the house of secrets, we may never know where the shot came from, or who the real shooter was. (And yes, I know I’m launching conspiracy theories way ahead of time, but that’s how it could read.)

Unfortunately, as I wrote earlier, the Inauguration chart shows not just the events of that day, but sets the tone for the entire Administration, and so such attacks could come at any time.

More Aspects

Adding to the feeling of foreboding, the Moon will be in fiery Aries, ruled by Mars, and just conjunct that Mars-Uranus conjunction, adding a lot of emotion to this aspect. Also, Chiron represents the wounded healer, a role Biden has taken on many times, and that’s also in Aries.

Even more, the Moon will be square to the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, showing discord, anguish, and depression.

And the Sun is not only conjunct stern Saturn, but square to the Mars-Uranus conjunction, further adding to the possibility of anger, emotional unrest, and unsettling, unexpected events.

On the positive side, the signs they’re in—progressive, humanitarian Aquarius and grounded Taurus—help. And they’re in the houses of leadership and compassion. Plus, Venus is trine the Ascendant.

Finally, Saturn is square Uranus in the chart, showing a struggle between conventional, conservative authority and progressive, humanitarian changes. The last Inauguration chart to have this aspect was Obama’s first term, when he got resistance when setting up The Affordable Care Act.

So overall, a very tense and extremely loaded chart. It seems like there might be enough balance and groundedness to keep things righted, but it’s like a plane full of explosives that could go down if not carefully guided. And you know there’s going to be many ready to sabotage it all they can.

Biden’s transits

Those aspects in the Inauguration chart wouldn’t trouble me nearly as much if it weren’t for other transits the same day. Meaning Biden’s transits for both that month and day are potentially very dangerous.

First, he has the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that marks the change of kings opposite his Pluto, which could simply be about him assuming the power of the Presidency. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will be exact on December 21st, and it would be a horrible plot twist to find that the conjunction shows not the election results taking out Trump, but the loss of a king just elected.

Worse, as you can see in the chart above, he has that very Mars-Uranus conjunction that day square his Pluto for Jan 17-21st. And Mars square Pluto, as we covered in the last post, is the worst aspect for possible violence. Everyone gets a tense Mars-Pluto transit for five days at a time twice each year, but it’s very troubling to see it during the Inauguration. (When Mars was square Pluto in the sky, affecting everyone in mid-August, that’s when there was a shooting outside The White House, and Trump took to a bunker.)

I should note that Biden himself was born with Mars square Pluto, meaning it’s part of his birthchart. Often this can mean a person is used to those energies and can work with them well, but it could also mean that that aspect symbolizes how his life would end, and it’s been waiting all this time to be set off by those four transits to it on Inauguration Day, plus Pluto itself opposite his Jupiter.

Mars square Pluto—once a year
Jupiter opposite Pluto—once every 12 years
Saturn opposite Pluto—once every 28 years
Uranus square Pluto—once every 42 years
Pluto opposite Jupiter—once every 240 years

And let’s not forget that the nation itself has Pluto conjunct Pluto for 2020 to 2023. Pushing us to both transform old abuses of power like racism and, through the pandemic, bringing us face to face with the issue of death in everyday life. So this, too, could add to that.

Additional dates for Biden to be very cautious would be when he has the Sun opposite his Pluto on Jan 26th, Mars opposite Mars on Jan 27—31st, and the Sun square his Mars on Jan 31st as well.

If he can get through January, he should be okay for a couple years, which we’ll get to in our next report.

US transits

We can get a better idea of what to expect by looking at other transits in effect that day.

The Sun will be conjunct the nation’s Pluto on Jan 16-17th, and Venus square Saturn on the 19th, so both of those days could signify a loss. And since Biden’s dangerous Mars square Pluto aspect lasts for Jan 17-21st, those dates line up. Meaning he might not even make it to the Inauguration.

What’s more, Jupiter will be square our Chiron (once every six years) for all of January, and our progressed Moon square Chiron (once every 14 years) for all of January as well, so those signify either the hurt of the half of the country who don’t want to see Trump go, the toll of the pandemic on the nation, or a time of public mourning over Biden.

Everyone’s transits

As we covered earlier, up in the sky during the Inauguration, Mars will be conjunct Uranus, setting a tone of fired-up rebellion and energetic innovation. It’s exact on Inauguration Day, but will be in effect for Jan 15-20th.

Also, Mars will be square Jupiter for Jan 18-22nd. So there’s yet another transit that could signify excessive anger and use of force for the days right before and during the Inauguration.

With both these transits it would be wise for everyone to use caution when driving or using machinery or fire.

Trump’s transits

Trump will be a bit more mouthy with Mars sextile Mercury for Jan 20-24th, right after the Inauguration, just when you’d expect.

And as for that dangerous Mars square Pluto aspect we covered, Trump has that one for Jan 22-26th, so it’s good he’ll be out of office then. But he’ll still be lashing out much more than usual.

You can expect the same on Jan 28-29th, but to a much lesser degree, from the Sun opposite his Pluto.

He’ll also have his progressed Moon square his Moon for all of January, which shows he’ll be very disgruntled, and was one of the signs that he wouldn’t win the election.

Add that onto the abuse of power push from Jupiter opposite Pluto, as we covered in the last report, and it’s right to be concerned what he might do.

Summing Up

All these transits can easily give way to the worst of one’s imagination. And I’m certain I’m seeing the most dramatic and negative interpretation of what might simply be more of the usual conflict and anger.

The thing is, I felt that way a year ago, when I first saw the Inauguration chart and Biden’s transits for that day. And now the rhetoric has risen to a degree one would have never imagined. Just the other day Flynn said Trump must use martial law to force a revote, and a radio host at a demonstration said “Joe Biden will be removed one way or another.” The anger of the crowds fueled by Trump’s deceits, and their full support by the GOP, have been growing worse each day, till one state had to have their electors gather in a secret place, for fear of violence.

So yeah, not good. If I was advising Biden, I’d tell him to cancel the whole Inauguration ceremony. But the thing is, even that might not help, since the source of the attack will be so unexpected. Meaning it could be someone guarding him, who’s been turned by all the extremist propaganda, as seen in the movie The Arrival.

If this doesn’t happen, I’ll be one of the most relieved. But I have to call it as I see it, and even though I often see things in the worst possible way, one can’t deny that these are very troubling aspects. They could simply show the power struggles and conflict and public anger this Administration will face, but with Biden’s transits that very day so prone to unexpected violence, it’s hard not to read the full chart that way.

Here's hoping all goes well and we can get back to politics as usual.

Getting Through December

So it’s the middle of December, and we have just over a month till the Inauguration. It’d be great to say that all will go well, but this year things are quite whacked, where over a hundred GOP Senators are for overthrowing the results of the election, and all their base, stoked up hourly by Trump with anger and rage for a supposedly stolen election, are champing at the bit to set things right.

We'll get to the Inauguration in the next report, but for now let’s take a look at the day-to-day transits till then.

What’s Next

US transits

One of the most troubling aspects I see for the nation for the coming year is coming right up.

First, Mars will be square our Mercury Dec 19-23rd, showing anger and shouting, especially on the 21st when the Sun and Mercury are square our Midheaven, showing conflict with authority.

To make matters much worse, at the same time, for Dec 19-23rd, Mars will square Pluto in the sky, affecting everyone around the world with tension, conflict, and abuses of power.

And this during the holiday travel, with all the religious and political tensions of families meeting, and you can expect lots of conflict and outrage.

The most dangerous transit for the US will be from Dec 27-31st, with the same transit we just mentioned - Mars square Pluto - for the nation itself. Again, this very combative transit could mean not only power struggles, but conflict to the point of guns, fire, or explosives.

When we had this transit in December 2017, the government pushed through the Tax Scam in a naked grab for profits, and Dump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel, causing riots that got people killed.

Mars Square Pluto

This can be a time for creatively transforming the world around you, or it can be a time of fierce power struggles and disagreements.

Avoid the temptation to act ruthlessly or underhandedly toward others no matter how angry you are or how much you feel that they deserve to be beaten. Transit cycles involving Pluto have a strange way of producing total destruction of your own ends if you take illegitimate shortcuts.

Depending upon how badly you may want to do something, you will either fight for it harder or give up altogether. As you strive to get ahead, be careful that those in power over you do not oppose you. They are stronger now, and you would probably lose in a confrontation.

As with other Mars-Pluto combinations, the energies of this transit can lead to being the victim of someone else's ruthlessness, even to the point of violent assault in rare cases.


For Biden, things are better. He’ll have Mars square his Jupiter Dec 22-26th, showing how he might push too far on something, and then he’ll then have Mars conjunct his Moon on Jan 4-8th, meaning he’ll be emotionally fueled and set on protecting the home and women.  But neither one are particularly negative.


Harris's day-to-day transits include that very same Mars conjunct Moon transit for Dec 27th - Jan 1st. This shows how she and Biden have their Moons in the same place, which will help them understand each other and create a strong emotional connection between them.

Mars will be opposite her Sun at the same time, though, showing anger and incentive to act.


For all his bitching, Trump hasn’t had many bad transits lately. Now he’ll have Mars square Saturn for Dec 18-22nd, showing lots of frustration, especially with authority. Expect the same effects, but to a lesser degree, on Jan 12-13th.


Jupiter in January

Topping everything off, Biden has Jupiter opposite Pluto for mid-December to Inauguration Day, and Trump has the same transit for all of January. Pluto is about transformation and power and has to be handled carefully, and Jupiter is about expansion, so this opposition is like someone putting booster rockets on your car - you get lots of energy, but you have to be careful not to blow everyone else off the road. Biden will use it well, but you know Trump will run over everyone he can.

This is from Robert Hand’s Planets in Transit, and it’s very interesting to read it from both Biden’s and Trump’s points of view for the month of the Inauguration.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto

This transit can represent the culmination of a long drive for success or power. However, it is very important that you proceed with caution, because the forces opposing you are likely to be strong, unless you make a special effort to placate them. This can be a time when you get a promotion in your work or gain power in some other way to change and affect the lives of those around you. But it can also be a time when all your efforts come to nothing, and you find yourself losing out in a perpetual war with people in power.

Sometimes this transit can stimulate a rather ruthless desire to get ahead. Most of us are tempted to cut corners, but that can have very unfortunate consequences, for this transit can indicate trouble with the law or even arrest. In fact you should do as little as possible to arouse the authorities against you, because this transit is so likely to create just that problem.

Another problem can be obsessive or fanatical behavior, feeling that you alone are right about some matter to the point that you are unwilling to hear any other point of view. Avoid becoming totally convinced of your own righteousness, and do not try to force your own views upon others. Your ideas may in fact be quite good, but your problem comes from the style you would be likely to use. You must try to be open to other points of view and be able to compromise.

It is also possible that you may try to coerce someone into doing something that he or she doesn't want to do, or someone may try to coerce you. As with most transits, it can go either way. In this instance it may be a naked power play, with little or no pretense of righteousness. If you are the perpetrator, heed the warnings given above. If you are the victim, all you can do is resist with all your strength.

You can avoid the negative side of this transit if you have built up your affairs carefully and enlisted the aid of others in your efforts, making them understand that you are also working for their interest. And even if you are encountering the negative effects, it is not too late to enlist other people's aid. You may have to enlarge your personal goals to encompass a group's goals, but it can be done.

Summing Up

So yeah, that’s a rough patch from Dec 19th to Jan 1st, with both the world and the nation with Mars square Pluto transits. And looking at the current emotional state of the nation, heightened by all the virus fears and conflict, there’s going to be lots of frustration and anger, as if things weren't bad enough. I hope everyone can keep safe.

Also, for one more wrench in all this, Mars will be square Saturn in the sky, affecting everyone around the world, for Jan 8-12th, showing anger at authority, so you can expect resistance to the Biden administration to not let up all the way to Inauguration.

Finally, it's interesting that in the midst of that, on the Winter Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct in the sky. This happens only every twenty years, and this will be the closest conjunction since 1623, and the closest observable since 1226. In ancient days, this conjunction between the planet of kings and the ruler of time was a sign of changing kings.


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