Tuesday, February 11, 2025

2025-2029 Forecast - Part 6: Mucking Things Up

Here’s a post about Musk that I wrote a month before the Inauguration. Back then I never suspected he’d waltz into the OMB, say, "USAID must die," and begin dismantling our government.

But everything I wrote still stands, and means even more now that we know Musk isn’t going away any time soon.

So it’s December 20, and right now Congress is trying to avoid a government shutdown while a billionaire from another country is threatening them if they don’t vote the way he wants them to.

This same billionaire bought Twitter, let abusive bullies and hostile foreign agents back in, throttled anyone who spoke against him, and repeatedly reposted pro-Russian messages, no matter how misleading they were.

In short, the richest man in the world is a real dick. And right now he’s trying to call the shots in our government.

Because of that, we’re going to cover him here to try to see just how much damage he’ll do.

The Birth of a Bastard

Musk was born with Mercury directly conjunct his Ascendant, which gives him all those mercurial qualities.

And what really overloads his circuits is he has Mercury square Uranus, which means the planet of thinking and communications is in a challenging square to the planet of electricity and invention. Which makes him wired and spouting eccentric ideas.
     Mercury square Uranus natal sets you apart from the pack because of your different way of thinking and communicating. While you may have a brilliant mind, your sometimes provocative ideas or eccentric manner can upset others and lead to relationship difficulties.
     The prankster in you can also lead to others being offended or insulted; the same can result if you have an abrupt way of speaking. People may think you are just out for attention by shocking them or being deliberately argumentative.
     Your unorthodox and inventive way of thinking could lead to a career as a scientist, designer, engineer, inventor, or mad professor. Computers and the internet would provide a healthy income, with the internet, in particular, being an excellent way for you to communicate.
     - Astrology King
Having his Sun, Mercury, and Ascendant all in Cancer gives him much more of an emotional basis from which he makes his decisions. He’s not relying on facts, because to him facts are simply how he feels.

Caught in the Fog

He has his Moon square Saturn (depression, lack of compassion), and his emotions aren't on the most solid ground to begin with, in that he has his Moon square Neptune, the planet of delusion. This could mean daydreaming, not seeing things clearly, paranoia, or addiction.

And what would push that even further is how he was born with Jupiter conjunct Neptune. Yep, just like Vance. (This conjunction happens only every thirteen years, and Musk is thirteen years older than Vance.)

This aspect can mean inspiration and compassion (which we’ve never seen from either of them), or outright delusion, where you see what you want to see. And now we have two ambitious men with this aspect at the top of our government.

Wired for Invention

His Mars, which rules cars, is in Aquarius, the sign of invention and electricity. Very apt. As is his Aries Midheaven (career), ruled by Mars. His Mars is also square Jupiter, showing he’s apt to go too far at times. In fact, he’s said he aims for "maximum intensity" in all he does.
     The high energy of this aspect needs some creative, competitive, or physical outlet. Otherwise, restlessness can build up into aggressive, impulsive, or risky actions.
     Immoderate ambition, or wanting it all and wanting it now, makes this the aspect of a gambler. But a mix of overconfidence, impulsiveness, and impatience brings the risk of losing it all.
     - Astrology King
Other marks of invention and dealing with rockets come from his Sun square Uranus (rebellion, innovation) and Sun square Pluto (control issues, explosives).
     Sun square Uranus natal encourages you to do things your way. A very complex person, you are most likely brilliant and independent. You stand out from the crowd in an obvious way. The need to express your distinctive ego through your personality and career can often cause conflict with others. You can come across as abrupt, rebellious, or just weird.
     - Astrology King

     Sun square Pluto natal has an unsettling effect on personal relationships because of your intense nature. Ego conflicts are likely because you like to be in control of situations. When you feel like you are not in control, your level of agitation rises, resulting in others feeling threatened. You will often have these power struggles with other influential people and authority figures.
     You can channel your intensity into determination and hard work. Being ambitious while remaining less concerned with the competition will lead to a position of power and authority.
     - Astrology King
Finally, his Venus is also square Pluto, showing jealousy and greed. Or having gotten his wealth by underhanded means, like slave labor, which Pluto rules.


So in all, a very wired chart. But it shows he’s doing exactly what his blueprint called for, in working with rockets and electric cars, plus satellites to beam his deceits around the world.

Synastry: Electric Connections

The big question is, how long will his bromance with Trump last?

If you check out a synastry of their charts, there’s a lot going on. First, there’s a great deal that would show how they enjoy each other’s company and views on things.

Like how Musk’s Mars is trine Trump’s Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus. This means Musk’s actions help Trump, just as we’ve seen in the election.

At the same time, Trump’s Mars is trine Musk’s Midheaven, showing Trump’s actions help Musk’s career and status in return.

And Trump’s Jupiter is conjunct Musk’s Uranus, which is like giving the rocket all the boost it needs and more. They’re likely to urge each other on like kids doing stunts with bikes.

But all is not well here.

Deceiving Don

Any of the following aspects between their charts would be reason enough to watch out for deception in business relationships. But with all four, you wonder who’s deceiving who.

Musk’s Sun square Trump’s Neptune
     This comparative combination can produce many confusions and misunderstandings in a relationship. [Trump] is likely to be unreliable and deceptive toward [Musk]. [Musk] tends to be bossy and authoritarian toward [Trump], and [Trump]’s defense will be evasiveness.    
     - Sakoian/Acker, The Astrology of Human Relationships
Musk’s Neptune square Trump’s Mars
     This comparative combination is one of the most deceptive and treacherous combinations that can exist in a relationship, especially if it is afflicted by other planets in the comparison.
     [Musk] is apt to be devious and deceptive, and these traits will arouse anger and resentment in [Trump]. [Musk] is likely to regard [Trump] crude, overbearing, and insensitive. [Musk] is likely to annoy [Trump] because of his inefficiency, confusion, and daydreaming.
     This is not a good combination for professional or business relationships, since some form of deception is likely to be practiced.
Musk’s Neptune square Trump’s Ascendant
Trump’s Neptune square Musk’s Ascendant

     [Both] will seem evasive and confusing to the [other]. [Both are] likely to regard the [other] as lost in his or her own private fantasy world, unreliable, and hard to pin down to definite mutual commitments and responsibilities.

And finally, we have a contest of wills here. Or at least egos.

Musk’s Mars opposite Trump’s Mars
     Both natives are apt to act in an impulsive, self-centered, aggressive way, and thus threaten each other's personal desires and drive for self-preservation. Any tendency toward coercive action on the part of either native will arouse opposition and resentment in the other.
     The natives are generally prone to quarrel with each other, often from a strong sense of mutual competition. In extreme cases, actual physical confrontation can take place. The handling of business affairs, joint finances, corporate money, inheritance, or professional affairs can be a source of conflict and irritation.
Musk’s Saturn square Trump’s Mars
     Difficulties in professional relationships of all kinds are indicated. The natives are likely to make unreasonable and inconsiderate demands on each other. There can be conflict and, possibly, lawsuits over corporate funds, insurance, inheritances, and alimony.
Musk’s Pluto square Trump’s Sun
     This comparative combination can produce a power struggle. [Musk] resists [Trump]'s authoritarian tendencies, and [Trump] resents and resists [Musk]'s attempts to try to mold or reform him. They can disagree over the handling of joint finances, inheritances, insurance, alimony, or corporate money.
     They are likely to vie with each other for power in some situation of mutual importance.
Musk’s Pluto square Trump’s Moon
     [Musk] can tend to emotionally dominate and bully [Trump] to the point where the latter becomes resentful and uncooperative. This is not a good combination for cooperation in business, and there is likely to be lack of harmony and agreement concerning family, domestic, and joint financial affairs.
So yeah, not exactly the kind of glowing synastry one would like to see with someone so close to the President.

Musk’s Transits

For all of 2024 he’s had a couple good transits from Saturn. Now he’ll encounter rough patches for the spring of 2025 through Feb 2027, with trouble making changes or issues of power.

Then in March 2028 he’ll make a comeback with Saturn at the highest point in his chart, as it does every 29 years. But more frustrations in the middle of 2029 through 2030.


Uranus was square his Mars for early 2022 to April 2024. This is the same transit Trump has for another few months, and which makes people unpredictable, as when Musk bought Twitter and then tried to back out.

Looking ahead at the next four years, what stands out is how Uranus is in a hard aspect to his Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.

Uranus opposite Jupiter     May 2024 - Mar 2026
     You are inclined at this time to break away from secure situations and leap out into the unknown simply for the sake of the challenge. If you act too quickly, you may find yourself out on a very unpleasant limb, but if you don't act quickly enough, the chance is lost. Consequently this transit can produce both sudden losses and sudden gains. This is a gambler's transit, and many people respond to it by taking very long-shot risks.    
     - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit
Uranus opposite Neptune     Jul 2024 - Feb 2027
     You may suddenly start chasing after wild and impractical dreams, become involved with persons who are very out of touch with reality and generally get your goals thoroughly scrambled.
Uranus conjunct Saturn     Aug 2024 - Mar 2027
     An unbearable tension between your desire to be free of restrictions and your fear of insecurity and change. You may break off an unsatisfactory relationship or business partnership, leave a job that has become oppressive, or suddenly break away from something else that has become a burden.
He’s halfway through those, and look at all he’s done in the past few years with that first one pushing him to do more. And he's definitely become involved with someone very out of touch with reality.
So really, those three sum up the past year for him - suddenly jumping into supporting Trump after saying he wouldn't back either candidate, getting caught up in political delusions, and sometime in 2026 or early 2027 he'll likely make a break for it.

And to round out the next few years after that, he’s got this one.

Uranus square Moon     Jul 2026 - May 2028
     Every little tension that you have suppressed over the last several years will suddenly demand to be released in some way. In a marriage, this transit can have the effect of either you or your partner suddenly breaking away.
     Others may think you are crazy because of your actions at this time. But this is only a temporary period of instability, during which you will come to a new understanding of your emotional needs.
This backs up his making a break for it in 2026. The good news for him is once he makes that break, he'll have Uranus trine his Uranus for Aug 2026 - Mar 2029, which will be a very productive time of innovation.


His Neptune has been trine his Jupiter/Neptune conjunction for the past two years, giving him lots of imagination and feeling like a visionary. Now the fog is going to come in.

Neptune square Sun     Jul 2025 - Dec 2028
     An increased level of insecurity or confusion and disappointment in your personal or professional life. Deception and betrayal are more likely, so it would be wise not to take significant risks, speculate on the stock market, or gamble during this transit. Any feeling of insecurity will only be made worse by turning to escapism through drugs and alcohol.
     - Astrology King
So for basically Trump’s whole second term, we got as his enforcer a guy born with Neptune conjunct Jupiter getting sloshed on Neptune’s fog and becoming even more confused.


Musk had his progressed Moon square his Midheaven for the very month he bought Twitter, showing it was an impulsive buy, going only on his emotions.
Here's where he may have a few times of struggle.

Progressed Moon square Neptune     Jun 2025
Emotional, deceptive

Progressed Moon conjunct Moon     Feb 2026
Emotional, a new Moon that comes only every 28 years

Progressed Moon conjunct Pluto     mid-Aug - mid-Sep 2027
Power issues, domineering

Progressed Moon conjunct Uranus     Sep 2028

Long-Term Progressions

He’ll have his progressed Sun trine his Midheaven for May 2025 to May 2027, and Venus trine his Midheaven for mid-2026 to mid-2028, both of which will help his career and public standing.
But the years after that, 2028 and 2029, won’t be as good to him. Maybe because he’ll lose his connection to The White House, or trouble with the law.

Progressed Sun square Neptune     Nov 2027 - Nov 2029
Not seeing things clearly or trying to deceive people

Progressed Sun square Saturn     Mar 2028 - Mar 2030
Feeling held back or trouble with authorities

Progressed Venus square Neptune     Jul 2028 - Jul 2030
Trying to mislead about his finances or making bad investments

Progressed Venus square Saturn     Oct 2028 - Oct 2030
Not doing well financially or depressed


To put all his transits and progressions together, Uranus has been pushing him to do more, to the point of being reckless, but he might well make a break of it all and go back to his rockets before 2027. At the same time, Neptune will be making him feel insecure and confused.
Then in 2028 his progressions take a down-turn just as his transits say he’ll be doing well. Most astrologers say transits affect the outer events of our lives, and progressions reflect the inner challenges we'll face, so this will be a good test to see if that's how it works.

Wrapping Up

Right now Musk is like a rocket careening off course, making a big show of debris raining down wherever he goes, and it's going to take another year or two before he realizes he's done all he can to get his Mars mission running and it's time to head back to the launching pads.
And then in 2028 or 2029 he'll probably run into trouble with the law. But he's a mercurial weasel on speed,
with a ton of resources and boldness, and they tend to survive as long as they don't burn themselves out.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

2025-2029 Forecast - Part 5: Vance Update

When I was reading through that last report before posting it, I wondered if anyone had found out Vance’s time and place of birth yet. Sure enough, they have, and it has an AA rating on the Rodden scale, which is as legit as it gets in terms of its source.

So what new information does this give us?

What’s most striking is his domineering Scorpio Mars is exactly opposite his Midheaven. You can see it in his chart, down at six o’clock, with the red line going straight up.

Mars opposite Midheaven
     Usually means your mother, although possibly your father, had a powerful influence on your early development. If you grew up surrounded by anger, hatred, or violence, emotional pain is to be expected. Holding onto anger may result in stubbornness, frustration, poor impulse control, and anti-social or unsocial behavior.
     Mars rules goal-directed energy, so channeling your extraordinary energy into something you are passionate about can lead to significant achievements. You can turn an insular tendency to your advantage in careers where secrecy and behind-the-scenes activity are valued. Covert operations and causing mischief behind enemy lines may suit your style.
     - Astrology King
This probably explains why he’s let Musk take all the attention while he’s working behind the scenes. Also suggests shades of J. Edgar Hoover monitoring people and using subversive tactics to put down the opposition.

On top of that, his Mars is also square his Ascendant.
     Gives extraordinary energy that makes you driven, motivated and passionate. You can also motivate and inspire others and may have good leadership qualities. However, this dynamic energy’s raw and abrasive nature verges on aggression that can intimidate and scare others.
     Many people with this aspect are drawn to fighting against injustice and standing up for the underdog. You can have a very positive influence and help many people by channeling your aggression into fighting for worthy causes.
     Partners, in particular, can find you arrogant, domineering, selfish, egotistical, demanding, defensive and thin-skinned. You may tend to lose your temper and attack people.
     - Astrology King
So instead of level-headed Pence in the co-pilot seat, we have someone who’s going to be Trump’s match when it comes to tempers and pushing people around. And Vance has much more energy and drive than Trump.

Transits Update: Shove It Up Uranus

So what does this new information add to Vance’s upcoming transits?

Saturn opposite Moon     Mar - Apr 2027
Feeling depressed, lonely, troubles with women.

Saturn trine Ascendant     May 2027 - Mar 2028
Just when he’s working the primaries, he has a great time for work, building, and planning well.

Uranus conjunct Midheaven     Jul 2022 - May 2024

Here’s something really surprising. Remember how back in 2020 I saw Trump would have Uranus conjunct his Midheaven during 2024, and knew he’d be back in the spotlight in a big way and most likely win the election?

Well, Vance had that same once-in-a-lifetime transit for the past two years, right when he was ascending the GOP ranks and getting chosen as the new VP.

And the reason Trump and Vance had this transit at the same time is because their Midheavens are only two degrees apart. Their Ascendants are just two degrees apart, as well.

This makes them see things in the same way (they both have Leo Rising), but strong transits to their Ascendant and Midheaven will set them off together.

Uranus square Ascendant     May 2024 - Mar 2026

Trump has this one for the same period, and we already covered how it makes you unpredictable and ungovernable. And Vance, born with Mars opposite his Midheaven, will be bucking all the laws. After all, he’s on a mission from God. Or at least Project 2025.
In fact, Vance told Trump that if the Supreme Court doesn't like how he's going to do things, he should tell them to bugger off. And with both of them feeling this push, they’re going to do just that.

Progressions: Bad Moon Rising

Now that we have Vance’s birth time, we can figure out his progressions for the next four years.

Progressed Moon in Aries     May 2024 - Dec 2026
The US has this one now, too, from Dec 2024 to Nov 2026. It gets one riled up and ready for combative action.

Progressed Moon opposite Moon     mid-Dec 2025 - Jan 2026
Strong emotions at the end of this year.

Progressed Moon opposite Pluto     Nov 2026
Anger, power struggles. Could well be a sign that he’ll be using underhanded tactics right before the mid-term elections, feeling bitter about the outcome, or deciding it's time to take over. Or all three.

Progressed Moon opposite Saturn     Sep-Oct 2027
Frustrations, depression.

Progressed Moon conjunct Midheaven     mid-Sep - mid-Nov 2028
Check out the date on this one. I already said he’d likely become President next time around, and here’s his progressed Moon conjunct his Midheaven, the place of status and career, during the next election. It happens just once every 28 years.

Progressed Moon opposite Mars     Oct-Nov 2028
At the same time he has one that will rile him up and get him angry, setting off that Scorpio Mars opposite his Midheaven, so expect a contentious election and how he’ll be going all out to win.

Major Progressions

Progressed Sun trine Midheaven     Oct 2026 - Oct 2028

Yet one more sign he’ll be elected President, as his progressed Sun has a very favorable trine to his Midheaven for the two years up to the election. It also points again to Oct/Nov 2026 to when he’ll oust Trump.

To sum up, I’ve seen enough to call it now - Vance will be the next President. The only question is if he’ll have to wait till 2028.

For more on that, let’s check out their updated synastry.

Synastry Update: Sparks from Mars

Now that we know Vance’s chart, there’s two more important aspects from Trump’s Mars to add.

Mars conjunct Ascendant
     There can be mutual involvement in professional and business enterprises and, if this comparative combination is afflicted, a strong sense of competition with each other in professional and financial affairs. There can be danger of mutual conflict and a tendency to motivate each other to rash, impulsive action.
     - Sakoian/Acker, The Astrology of Human Relationships
Mars square Midheaven
     This comparative combination is not good for cooperation in domestic, business, or professional affairs. The natives are apt to disagree about administrative procedures. The Midheaven individual [Vance] is likely to regard the Mars individual as a threat to his professional status and domestic security. The Mars individual [Trump] may regard the Midheaven individual as overly conservative and unwilling to change.
To sum up, Vance’s Mars is at six o’clock, square to Trump’s Mars at nine o’clock, and opposite both their Midheavens at twelve o’clock. This is known as a T-square, with two squares and an opposition creating a very tense and antagonistic situation.

And with Trump’s Mars in Leo, Vance’s Mars in Scorpio, and both their Ascendants in Leo and Midheavens in Taurus, they’re dealing with all fixed signs, which means they’re very stubborn and unlikely to change their minds.

So what I said in my last post about conflict and power struggles between them, to the point where they might well try to get rid of each other, that’s now much more in play.

Wrapping Up

This updated chart not only backs up everything we already went over, but gives us a better timeline on when to expect things to break apart.

Right now my guess is that in Nov 2026, right after the mid-terms, the GOP will see that Trump is dragging them down and will want to replace him as soon as they can. Get Vance in there to show what he can do. Or Vance will simply beat them into submission. And Trump will see it as a betrayal and resist them all the way.

In the end it will come down to Congress to impeach one or the other, and I’d wager they’ll side with Vance, if only because Trump’s mental decline will have started to show, and they can use Vance for two more elections.
In our next post we'll go over the unexpected addition to this administration with Part 6: Mucking Things Up.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

2025-2029 Forecast - Part 4: JD Vance: A Hard Right Turn Into the Fog

Here’s a profile of Vance I wrote July 15th-23rd, 2024, but never posted because it wouldn’t matter unless Trump won.

Usually VPs don’t matter much, but as you’ll see, Vance’s chart and transits are key to understanding what will transpire over the next few years.

Okay, so today Trump announced his running mate, J.D. Vance, and we should take a look at his chart to see what it can tell us.

There's no time of birth available for him yet, so we won't be able to see any transits to his Ascendant or Midheaven, but we can still get a good look at most of what he has going on.

Birth Chart: A Mixed Bag

First, his birth chart shows his Leo Sun is square Saturn exactly, which puts a real damper on things. Makes one much more stern, demanding, and an authority figure, especially since his Saturn is in Scorpio.

His Sun is also trine Uranus, which helps with being inventive, original, and an agent of change. And his Mercury is trine Jupiter and sextile Saturn, which would make him good at communications and writing, as with his book.

His Mercury is also square Uranus, giving him a quick mind along with eccentric ideas, especially about reform and inventions.

His Venus is square Mars, which shows conflict with women. And with his Mars in Scorpio, he has a lot of strength and intensity to call on, but he can be very stubborn, aggressive, and likely to lash out or abuse his power.

Here’s what Michael McClain had to say about this placement.
     You are strong, self-reliant, extremely efficient, and highly self-disciplined. An intensity of purpose surrounds all that you undertake. This position illustrates the "do or die" principle very well. You may have an innate ability to transform other people in some significant way. You think of yourself as a "take control" person and a force to be reckoned with.
     You're a loyal friend, or a bitter enemy, you never forget a betrayal. Slow to anger, you rarely lose control, but when your ire is raised, you get even, and you can do so with frightening detachment. Proud, dignified, strong-willed, and stubborn.
[1/22/25 Note: As Vance himself once said, “Even at my best I’m a delayed explosion.”]

And finally, he has Jupiter conjunct Neptune. This is a sign of a spiritual seeker, an artist, or a dreamer. At its best it makes one like a priest, out to share the gospel, but liable to believe anything simply because one wants to. And like a priest, he can convince others, as well, which is why such people need to watch themselves for delusions.

Also, while Neptune is in the last degrees of Sagittarius, which shows his interest in religion, Jupiter is in the first degrees of Capricorn, the sign of conservatives and big business. And so this would align him with conservative Christian groups, like Project 2025, that would see themselves as saviors.

[1/22/25 Note: Vance shows his beliefs in this quote, which I don’t think he’s aware is the ultimate self-own: “I knew that the Antichrist — or at least, the Antichrist’s spiritual adviser — would be a Catholic.”]

Transits: Tough and Tougher

Now let's check out his transits and see how Vance’s next four years will go.


Saturn square Neptune     April 2025 - Feb 2026
If he’s elected, once in office, he’ll soon find that it’s much harder to put one’s ideals into form. Authorities and laws will restrict him and for most of his first year he’ll become discouraged and uncertain what to do.

Saturn trine Uranus, Sun, and Venus      April 2026 - Feb 2028
The next year things will go much better, with a great line-up of getting work done.

Saturn opposite Pluto      July 2027 - April 2028
At the start of the next election year, when it will be his turn to campaign for President, Saturn will overwork him, and there may well be power struggles, especially if he’s abused his power before this. And yet this could also be a high point of his career.

Saturn opposite Saturn      June 2028 - March 2029
For the rest of that election year, he again has a sign of being at his peak of success, in that Saturn will be halfway through its 29 year cycle. It’s a time when you have to slow down and dig in, but if you’ve been responsible in your work, it’s likely you’ll get recognition.
And since this will be during the convention and on through the rest of the election, when he might well be competing against Trump, this rings true.
     Your relationships with your partner, family and colleagues may be tested regarding strength, dependability or loyalty. This especially applies to people you feel some responsibility for, have shared responsibilities with, or are your superiors. Relationships strained over recent years may end or be subject to restructuring.
     - Astrology King
Saturn opposite Sun      June 2028 - March 2029
At the very same time, this transit to his Sun shows him being challenged and discouraged. But with such a strong, stubborn chart, he’ll pull through.

By the way, if he does become President in 2029, he’ll have a tough first two years of it, with Saturn opposite his Mars and square his Venus, Ascendant, and Mercury.


Uranus square Venus      May 2023 - March 2025

He’s halfway through this one, which makes one want to try different things in your relationships and can signal a change in one’s fortunes. But whatever starts under a Uranus square transit, however exciting it is at first, rarely lasts for long.

I think this one sums up the honeymoon phase of his partnership with Trump. Especially because this transit ends just as that depressing Saturn transit kicks in at the start of the next administration.

Uranus square Mercury      June 2026 - May 2028

While Trump will have Neptune square Mercury at this time, filling his head with fog and delusions, Vance will feel like he’s plugged his head into a data center. Lots of info and ideas. All that nervous energy will tense him up and could lead to rash decisions and car accidents. He'll also be pulled to radical ideas and get flack for it, especially if he’s too dogmatic in sharing those ideas. He was born with this aspect, so he's used to being this way, but the transit will bring it out even more.

Uranus opposite Uranus      Aug 2026 - Mar 2029

The Uranus cycle’s halfway point, at 41-42 years, is often a time when people suddenly break away from whatever has been holding them back. They leave their jobs or marriages or take up an entirely new lifestyle. It’s known as the mid-life crisis. So this one will bring a very restless and rebellious attitude, and his relationship with Trump could be in jeopardy if he kicks at the restraints too much.


Neptune square Neptune      Mar 2023 - Mar 2025

This one is challenging all his ideals and showing which ones are practical and which can never be. It’s very disillusioning, where you question your life and reevaluate. He should be both wary of being deceived and the temptation to deceive others.

And right when that one runs out in the spring...

Neptune square Jupiter      Apr 2025 - Jan 2028

If Trump wins, this transit will run for Vance’s first three years as Vice President. Remember how he was born with Jupiter conjunct Neptune? This is the same, only much more so, with Neptune really fogging things up and making him overconfident and gullible.

At its highest, Neptune rules compassion and service, and this will fuel those intentions, but Neptune also rules illusions, and with this, he’ll probably feel he’s doing the best for the nation, but won’t notice how misguided he is. And with all the right-wing Christian leaders telling him he’s a prophet come to save America, he’ll be hard-pressed to see clearly.

[Note: This is the same once-in-a-lifetime transit the nation is getting at almost exactly the same time - June 2025 - Feb 2029. This shows Vance’s ideas are going to lead us into both temptation and a harsh disappointment when it’s over.]
     Your fantasies may take the form of an overdeveloped belief in your own strength and power. You may feel that you cannot lose, but if you succumb to this belief, the day will come when you lose very badly, and then your foolish overconfidence will be replaced with defeat and discouragement.
     Be particularly careful to avoid wild speculations and risks, for you will almost certainly lose out; you aren't paying enough attention to the reality of the situation, and you are seeing only what you want to see. You are more than usually gullible at this time, especially if someone flatters your sense of importance.
     You may take a somewhat more exalted but equally futile path by becoming involved in a religious or spiritual movement that makes you lose all touch with reality.
     - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit

Summing Up

So you put all those together, and Vance’s first year will be dashed illusions, and his second will go well until halfway through, when he’ll become rebellious. And that’s when he’ll act on his delusions as Neptune clouds everything and he feels pushed to be the leader that Trump failed to be.

Synastry: All About Eve, But With Daggers

So if they win the election, how will Vance get along with Trump? For that we look at the synastry of their charts, which compares how they match up.

The good - Vance will help Trump deliver his message better (his Mercury conjunct Trump’s Ascendant, his Saturn trine Trump’s Mercury).

Vance’s Pluto is trine Trump’s Sun, which gives Trump a lot of power and support, and Vance’s Sun is conjunct Trump's Pluto, showing them uniting in a quest for power.

Trump likes the guy (Venus conjunct Mars and Ascendant, Mars trine Venus), and at first they should work well together (Moon trine Sun, Mars trine Venus and Saturn). What’s more, Vance’s ideals and delusions support Trump (Neptune trine Mars and Ascendant).

But there's a lot of deception here. Vance’s Jupiter is square Trump's Neptune, boosting Trump's delusions, especially in regard to religion. (And as shown above, both Vance’s Neptune/Jupiter conjunction and Trump’s Neptune are getting hard aspects from Neptune for most of their term, pushing this even more.)

Also, Vance’s Neptune is conjunct Trump's Moon and opposite Trump’s Sun, again showing signs of deceiving him.
     The Neptune individual [Vance] is confusing and evasive toward the Sun individual, while the authoritarian tendencies of the Sun individual [Trump] can disturb the emotional sensitivities of the Neptune individual.
     Deceptiveness or evasion can cause a breakdown of the relationship. Even with the best of intentions, there can be confusion and misrepresentation.
     - Sakoian/Acker, The Astrology of Human Relationships
Their Neptunes are even square, which shows they have different ideals they want to pursue, and won’t have an understanding of each other’s beliefs.

What’s more, there's loads of possible conflict.
     Mars square Mars

     Important differences are indicated in the natives' approaches to personal action, professional ambition, and business affairs. Any attempts to order each other around or coerce each other will result in conflict and resentment. The natives are apt to dare or goad each other to ill-considered, impulsive acts. Outbursts of temper and, in extreme cases, physical combat can occur with this combination. This is not a good combination for professional or corporate business partnerships.

     Mars Opposition Midheaven

     The Midheaven individual [Trump] is likely to regard the Mars individual as inconsiderate of emotional feelings and family harmony. The Mars individual [Vance] can regard the Midheaven individual as emotionally supersensitive, indolent, and set in his or her ways.

     Mars Square Ascendant

     The natives will have difficulty in getting along harmoniously in marriage and other domestic or professional partnerships. The Ascendant individual [Trump] is likely to consider the Mars individual as selfish, inconsiderate, and domineering. The Mars individual [Vance] may feel impatient with the personal idiosyncrasies of the Ascendant person. Generally, the natives are annoyed and impatient with each other.
Plus, Vance’s Saturn is square Trump’s Pluto, and Trump’s Saturn is square Vance’s Pluto. Saturn rules authority, and Pluto rules dominance, so there’s going to be some real power struggles here.
     This indicates mutual distrust and intrigue in political, professional, business, or corporate affairs. There can be a struggle for power and supremacy in achieving professional, financial, or political power and status. There can be a lack of concern for long-range ecological consequences of industrial or scientific activities which were motivated by selfish desire for money, power, and status.
Drill, baby, drill, indeed. And they'll be slapping each other around as they do it.

In short, they’ll work together well at first, but eventually the illusions will fall and Trump will see Vance has a hidden agenda. And Trump, who uses and discards everyone, doesn't like to be used.

This is all speculation, of course, but going by their synastry, it’s hard to believe they’ll make it through the next four years without some serious disagreements at best and outright conflict at worst. Trump and Pence had their own falling out, and their synastry was not as bad as this.

Wrapping Up

Vance is likely to stumble at times as he gets his feet under him during his first year as VP, but once he gets the lay of the land, and sees how he can do everything better than Trump, he's not going to have the patience to wait three years as Trump ruins his chances of moving up, but will quickly work to push Trump out of his way.

Or, just as likely, Trump will turn the tables on him and Project 2025, simply for daring to tell him what to do. Remember, Trump’s transits for the next few years will be highly unpredictable, volatile, and full of delusion.
It's Jan 22, 2025 now, and Vance's birth data has been published. This adds a lot of fuel to the fire, and we'll cover that in our next post, JD Vance: Update.

Monday, January 20, 2025

2025-2029 Forecast - Part 3: Pluto at Noon Revisited

Today is the Inauguration, and it comes with a very strong and potentially dangerous chart.
You can read my take on it a couple of years ago in my post Pluto at Noon.
What makes it stand out is how at noon every January 20, the Sun is always at about 1 degree Aquarius and at the top of the chart. Each year Pluto has been moving closer to it, and today at noon it will be conjunct both the Sun and Midheaven.

You can see here how Pluto, over to the right (it looks like someone with their hands in the air), has in the 48 years since Carter slowly made its way up to the top of the chart, Inauguration by Inauguration.

Pluto rules power and abuse of power, and in 2023 Adrian Ross Duncan wrote this:
     If Trump runs, the transit of Uranus over his MC will be dangerous, and if by chance he wins, then the Sun-Pluto conjunction at the Inauguration will augur dictatorship.
Duncan also cautioned, after seeing our upcoming Uranus transits, "Cool heads need to prevail in America during the next Presidential period to maintain stability."
But as we've just seen from Trump's transits, and know too well from his chaotic first term, such stability will be hard to find.
By the way, someone wrote that Trump invited Musk to speak at his rally yesterday instead of Vance, and said Musk is acting as the actual VP. Truth is, Vance is going to have a much larger role than anyone expects and will be a dominating force in policy. We'll go over this in Part 4: JD Vance: A Hard Right Turn into the Fog.

2025-2029 Forecast - Part 2: Trump's Tantrum of Transits

written Jan 8th-19th, 2025

I wrote about Trump's current transits in my 2022 report, and you can read it all there. Just scroll down a little to the section that says Trump: Electric Boogaloo.

Before the upcoming Inauguration, though, I'd like to update that report with a few more transits that will occur doing his second administration.

So here's the best I can tell you about what to expect.


Saturn square Uranus     Apr 2024 - early Feb 2025
During his first month in office, he'll have the third pass of Saturn to his Uranus, which is a frustrating time, where you feel held back and blocked.

Saturn square Moon     Feb 2025
That same month he'll feel lonely and depressed.

Saturn square Sun     mid-Feb - mid-Mar 2025
And he'll have reason to feel that way with Saturn weighing on him still through mid-March, making him feel like everyone's getting on his case, including authorities restricting his actions.

Saturn trine Saturn     Mar 2025
At the same time, Saturn trine Saturn will help him get organized and have more authority.

Saturn trine Venus     Apr 2025 - Dec 2025
And the rest of the year he has a helpful trine to Venus, aiding in management of finances.

Saturn opposite Neptune     Mar 2026
A year later, though, he'll feel like his illusions are being dashed. Feelings of doubt, disappointment, and confusion.

Saturn trine Pluto     Apr 2026 - Jan 2027
But he'll pull out of it again with a strong trine to Pluto for the rest of his second year, showing skillful use of power.

Saturn square Saturn     May 2027 - Feb 2028
His third year has some struggles and frustrations. It's a time of low confidence and trouble at work.

Saturn square Venus     Jun 2027 - Feb 2028
At the same time he'll be feeling depressed or lacking in funds.

Saturn square Pluto     mid-Jun 2028 - Mar 2029
And he'll close out his last year in office with the law getting on his case for abuse of power. Or at least keeping him hindered.

So going just by Saturn, he'll have a rough two months at first, then things will go well until his third and fourth years.


In my 2022 report we covered how Uranus is right now both conjunct Trump's Midheaven and square his Mars for another few months, and square his Ascendant for the next year. All of which is making him very unpredictable. The square to Mars, especially, would get him threatening war, as he's been doing with Panama and Canada, just for the thrill of playing with that kind of power.

Uranus conjunct Uranus     Aug 2028 - Jun 2030

During his last six months in office he'll have another strong transit from Uranus when it returns to its place in his chart for the first time. This happens for everyone at age 84, and we just covered this same transit in the last post, because the nation will be going through it before Trump does, for
July 2026 - May 2028.

The Uranus Return is often a time of letting go of all you created in your life and turning to more spiritual matters. You've done your work, you see everything falling away around you, including your own body, and start looking for your next expansion into freedom.

One can't see Trump doing this, of course. He'll cling to everything and make a shambles as he sees the end of his presidency coming.

And for that reason, I suspect he'll act rashly and try to stay on as president. It could be that by then he actually will be ready to give it all up. But expect something strange in his last summer as president or in his public role afterwards. Especially if it has to do with the internet or social media.

To sum up his Uranus transits, he'll be dangerously unpredictable for the first few months, then almost as unpredictable for his first year. And his last six months will be some kind of break, including a drive to break all the rules and stay in office.


Neptune opposite Neptune     May 2025 - Feb 2029

Here's another very rare transit everyone gets only once, around age 82. Neptune rules both illusions and all we can't see, including inspiration and spirit itself. When we reach this age, Neptune, king of the sea as well as fog, washes away our foundations and dissolves all we thought was solid.

And so when Trump gets this one, starting in a few months and going through his full second term, he's not going to enjoy it much.

At best for him (and worst for us), he'll continue to be wrapped up in delusions and trying to convince everyone else of them. At worst for him, he'll feel the relentless waves of time and know that whatever he creates, it will not stand. Which might make him try to grasp at things all the more.

Neptune square Mercury     Apr 2027 - Feb 2030

During the second half of his administration, Trump has another troubling transit from Neptune. This one is to his Mercury, which rules one's thinking and communications.

This is a very strong sign that he'll continue to spread misinformation. If that sounds like nothing new, it's because he was born with this aspect in his birth chart, so it's built-in to his way of life. He sees only what he wants to see, and twists everything to fit that distorted vision.

Take this talk from 2020 about the wildfires in California.
Official: If we ignore science, we're not going to succeed in protecting California.
Trump: It will start getting cooler. You just watch.
Official: I wish science agreed with you.
Trump: I don't think science knows, actually.
Since then, each year has set a new record for the hottest year yet, and as I write this, Los Angeles is caught in a devastating inferno caused by climate change.

In short, there's no reasoning with him, no facts that will change his mind. He believes in his alternative facts, which means whatever he wants to believe, and you'll see this even more two years from now.

Also, this transit at his age might well show a serious cognitive decline, where he's not thinking clearly at all. To the point where he might retreat into a world of his own making, spouting conspiracy theories all the way down.
     The quality of your mind is being tested now, and any loose ends in your thinking or attitudes will become a serious source of trouble. Any unclear ideas will become a source of confusion to you in many aspects of your life.
     Avoid making important decisions under this transit, especially about your career and overall life objectives. You probably are not seeing clearly enough to make intelligent decisions that take into account all of the relevant factors.
     You may become obsessed with strange ideas and fanciful beliefs, especially religious notions. Avoid drugs that affect the mind at this time, for your mind already has enough unreality to contend with.
     - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit
     The person becomes confused easily, and he often exaggerates. His judgment is poor. It is a very bad time to make important decisions. The person is very susceptible to being deceived or used now. Above all, he should guard against get-rich-quick schemes and opportunities which appear too good to be true.
     The person is disorganized and unfocused, and he has trouble with discipline. He readily forgets things and has difficulty keeping his word. If Mercury is severely afflicted in his natal birth chart [it has that square to Neptune], the person may experience mental instability or a nervous breakdown.
     - James Braha, Transits of the West
To give an example of how dangerous having this transit during a Presidency can be, Bush Jr. had this one when he said God told him He wants us to invade Iraq. And that he ignored his own father's warning about invading Baghdad because "There is a higher father that I appeal to."

To sum up, for this entire term, and especially the second half, Trump will be even more confused and deceitful than usual. Especially if the evangelists fill his head with ideas that he's God's golden boy and can do no wrong. And no matter how much his people try to hide it, as they did with Reagan, Trump won't sit back but will demand a full audience of his brilliant insights.


Pluto opposite Pluto     Feb 2027 - Jan 2031

And finally we come to Pluto. As with Uranus conjunct Uranus and Neptune opposite Neptune, this is a generational transit, affecting everyone his age.

Here Pluto is clearing the decks of all that isn't needed. This one goes for the second half of his term, and if he uses it well, he'll delve into therapy and gain understanding of his hang-ups and compulsions.

But we all know he'll take things the other way. In short, it's another troubling sign he'll adamantly try to hold onto the Presidency and threaten everyone who won't give him a third term.
     Many things may be destroyed at this time, and the destruction will be ruthless if you defend them with rigidity. Pluto's action is particularly harsh. Therefore you should simply allow the things of the past to fade and allow the future to be born on their ruins. If you can do this, the potential for positive change with Pluto is very great.
     You may also get into severe power struggles with people who are trying to prevent the changes in your life or who are trying to expedite changes that you are resisting.
     - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit
To sum up, his last two years he'll not only be confused from Neptune, but he'll be struggling for power, tearing everything down, and blaming everyone but himself.


Progressed Moon opposite Midheaven     Jan 2026
Tension between his home/emotions and his status.

Progressed Moon square Mars     Mar-Apr 2026
Irritable and angry.

Progressed Moon opposite Uranus     Jan 2028
Something will upset him, probably to do with the Republican primaries.

Progressed Moon conjunct Moon     Apr-May 2028
Progressed Moon opposite Sun       May-Jun 2028

These last two will really bring out the emotions in him, and since they're when the GOP will be choosing their next candidate, it shows he'll be pushing to be the one. If he can't get on the ticket again, he might start a write-in campaign and subvert the election that way.

And finally there's this long-term progression from Mars.

Progressed Mars conjunct Jupiter     all 2028 and 2029

This is Mars at full throtle, where you have lots of energy and ambition and luck is on your side. Seeing this in effect for the next election year, along with the transits above, reinforces the fact that Trump's going to claim the right to be president again.

Wrapping Up the Wreckage

When you put all that together, the picture is clear. His first two months he'll get the most resistance, he'll get more erratic in his third and fourth year, and his last year especially he'll be cantankerous and refusing to leave office. Add an unhealthy dose of delusion and deception to all of it, and then double that for the second half of the term, and you got the makings of a very chaotic, unpredictable, and destructive Presidency.

Historians have already unaminously placed Trump's first term as among the first to third worst Presidencies ever. This next one, it will seem like he's trying to go even lower, and will lash out at anyone who gets in his way.
It's worth nothing that whenever the GOP have used a dictator for their own purposes (Ngô Đình Cẩn, Noriega, Saddam), it always backfires on them. And they'll discover the same here. For as soon as they try to leash in what they've created, he's going to tear through them with the same blunt cruelty they applauded and laughed at for so long.

In Part 3 we'll take a look at today's Inauguration chart, which backs up everything we've gone over.

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2025-2029 Forecast - Part 6: Mucking Things Up

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