Thursday, January 30, 2025

2025-2029 Forecast - Part 5: Vance Update

When I was reading through that last report before posting it, I wondered if anyone had found out Vance’s time and place of birth yet. Sure enough, they have, and it has an AA rating on the Rodden scale, which is as legit as it gets in terms of its source.

So what new information does this give us?

What’s most striking is his domineering Scorpio Mars is exactly opposite his Midheaven. You can see it in his chart, down at six o’clock, with the red line going straight up.

Mars opposite Midheaven
     Usually means your mother, although possibly your father, had a powerful influence on your early development. If you grew up surrounded by anger, hatred, or violence, emotional pain is to be expected. Holding onto anger may result in stubbornness, frustration, poor impulse control, and anti-social or unsocial behavior.
     Mars rules goal-directed energy, so channeling your extraordinary energy into something you are passionate about can lead to significant achievements. You can turn an insular tendency to your advantage in careers where secrecy and behind-the-scenes activity are valued. Covert operations and causing mischief behind enemy lines may suit your style.
     - Astrology King
This probably explains why he’s let Musk take all the attention while he’s working behind the scenes. Also suggests shades of J. Edgar Hoover monitoring people and using subversive tactics to put down the opposition.

On top of that, his Mars is also square his Ascendant.
     Gives extraordinary energy that makes you driven, motivated and passionate. You can also motivate and inspire others and may have good leadership qualities. However, this dynamic energy’s raw and abrasive nature verges on aggression that can intimidate and scare others.
     Many people with this aspect are drawn to fighting against injustice and standing up for the underdog. You can have a very positive influence and help many people by channeling your aggression into fighting for worthy causes.
     Partners, in particular, can find you arrogant, domineering, selfish, egotistical, demanding, defensive and thin-skinned. You may tend to lose your temper and attack people.
     - Astrology King
So instead of level-headed Pence in the co-pilot seat, we have someone who’s going to be Trump’s match when it comes to tempers and pushing people around. And Vance has much more energy and drive than Trump.

Transits Update: Shove It Up Uranus

So what does this new information add to Vance’s upcoming transits?

Saturn opposite Moon     Mar - Apr 2027
Feeling depressed, lonely, troubles with women.

Saturn trine Ascendant     May 2027 - Mar 2028
Just when he’s working the primaries, he has a great time for work, building, and planning well.

Uranus conjunct Midheaven     Jul 2022 - May 2024

Here’s something really surprising. Remember how back in 2020 I saw Trump would have Uranus conjunct his Midheaven during 2024, and knew he’d be back in the spotlight in a big way and most likely win the election?

Well, Vance had that same once-in-a-lifetime transit for the past two years, right when he was ascending the GOP ranks and getting chosen as the new VP.

And the reason Trump and Vance had this transit at the same time is because their Midheavens are only two degrees apart. Their Ascendants are just two degrees apart, as well.

This makes them see things in the same way (they both have Leo Rising), but strong transits to their Ascendant and Midheaven will set them off together.

Uranus square Ascendant     May 2024 - Mar 2026

Trump has this one for the same period, and we already covered how it makes you unpredictable and ungovernable. And Vance, born with Mars opposite his Midheaven, will be bucking all the laws. After all, he’s on a mission from God. Or at least Project 2025.
In fact, Vance told Trump that if the Supreme Court doesn't like how he's going to do things, he should tell them to bugger off. And with both of them feeling this push, they’re going to do just that.

Progressions: Bad Moon Rising

Now that we have Vance’s birth time, we can figure out his progressions for the next four years.

Progressed Moon in Aries     May 2024 - Dec 2026
The US has this one now, too, from Dec 2024 to Nov 2026. It gets one riled up and ready for combative action.

Progressed Moon opposite Moon     mid-Dec 2025 - Jan 2026
Strong emotions at the end of this year.

Progressed Moon opposite Pluto     Nov 2026
Anger, power struggles. Could well be a sign that he’ll be using underhanded tactics right before the mid-term elections, feeling bitter about the outcome, or deciding it's time to take over. Or all three.

Progressed Moon opposite Saturn     Sep-Oct 2027
Frustrations, depression.

Progressed Moon conjunct Midheaven     mid-Sep - mid-Nov 2028
Check out the date on this one. I already said he’d likely become President next time around, and here’s his progressed Moon conjunct his Midheaven, the place of status and career, during the next election. It happens just once every 28 years.

Progressed Moon opposite Mars     Oct-Nov 2028
At the same time he has one that will rile him up and get him angry, setting off that Scorpio Mars opposite his Midheaven, so expect a contentious election and how he’ll be going all out to win.

Major Progressions

Progressed Sun trine Midheaven     Oct 2026 - Oct 2028

Yet one more sign he’ll be elected President, as his progressed Sun has a very favorable trine to his Midheaven for the two years up to the election. It also points again to Oct/Nov 2026 to when he’ll oust Trump.

To sum up, I’ve seen enough to call it now - Vance will be the next President. The only question is if he’ll have to wait till 2028.

For more on that, let’s check out their updated synastry.

Synastry Update: Sparks from Mars

Now that we know Vance’s chart, there’s two more important aspects from Trump’s Mars to add.

Mars conjunct Ascendant
     There can be mutual involvement in professional and business enterprises and, if this comparative combination is afflicted, a strong sense of competition with each other in professional and financial affairs. There can be danger of mutual conflict and a tendency to motivate each other to rash, impulsive action.
     - Sakoian/Acker, The Astrology of Human Relationships
Mars square Midheaven
     This comparative combination is not good for cooperation in domestic, business, or professional affairs. The natives are apt to disagree about administrative procedures. The Midheaven individual [Vance] is likely to regard the Mars individual as a threat to his professional status and domestic security. The Mars individual [Trump] may regard the Midheaven individual as overly conservative and unwilling to change.
To sum up, Vance’s Mars is at six o’clock, square to Trump’s Mars at nine o’clock, and opposite both their Midheavens at twelve o’clock. This is known as a T-square, with two squares and an opposition creating a very tense and antagonistic situation.

And with Trump’s Mars in Leo, Vance’s Mars in Scorpio, and both their Ascendants in Leo and Midheavens in Taurus, they’re dealing with all fixed signs, which means they’re very stubborn and unlikely to change their minds.

So what I said in my last post about conflict and power struggles between them, to the point where they might well try to get rid of each other, that’s now much more in play.

Wrapping Up

This updated chart not only backs up everything we already went over, but gives us a better timeline on when to expect things to break apart.

Right now my guess is that in Nov 2026, right after the mid-terms, the GOP will see that Trump is dragging them down and will want to replace him as soon as they can. Get Vance in there to show what he can do. Or Vance will simply beat them into submission. And Trump will see it as a betrayal and resist them all the way.

In the end it will come down to Congress to impeach one or the other, and I’d wager they’ll side with Vance, if only because Trump’s mental decline will have started to show, and they can use Vance for two more elections.
In our next post we'll go over the unexpected addition to this administration with Part 6: Mucking Things Up.

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