Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The 2020 Election

We’re just four weeks from the election, and I don’t need to tell you that things are getting tense. Trump started off saying the election is going to be rigged, then launched into an all-out assault on how mail-in voting is dangerous (except in Florida, where it will help him), and now refuses to say that he’ll allow a peaceful transfer of power.

Add onto that how the actual vote might not be known for days, and Russia pushing disinformation on us to cause as much division and disruption as possible, and we’re heading for a very dramatic election.

So how will all this turn out? Well, in astrology there’s three things you can look into with elections. And we’ll start with what will be affecting Trump and Biden for the next few months, to see what their own personal weather forecasts are.

Trump Transits: Grumpy

Here’s how I put it back in my 2020 Update, on the first day of the year.

Now let’s get to the question on everyone’s mind. Who will win the election?

I was scared to look into this, because in the summer of 2016, when Trump was polling really low, I was startled to see that his transits showed he’d have a very good chance to win.

This time, though, there’s little going on in Trump’s chart during the days around the election. He has his Sun square Pluto on November 1st, showing he’ll be ranting away, just as you’d expect. But not much for the 3rd or the days after.

One clue is how his progressed Moon will be square to Uranus for October, which means he’ll be riled up and not like how things are going.

Also, in January 2021, when Trump may be handing power over, he’ll have his progressed Moon square his Moon, showing he’ll be more-than-usually grouchy.

If we look at the rest of November, Trump has Venus square his Saturn on the 15th, which means he’ll likely be depressed.

The Sun is square his Mars on November 17th to 18th, showing anger, and Mercury is square his Pluto at the same time, showing arguments.

His Mars has been in the Eighth House for mid-June to mid-August, and will be again for mid-October till mid-December, showing him being antagonistic and ruthless with power. Using secret, underhanded tricks would align with that as well, so expect the worst in that regard.

For his outer planets, Jupiter is opposite his Saturn for mid-October to mid-November, meaning his expansion will be greatly limited, and it’s often a time of feeling held back.

The only good transit he has is Jupiter trine his Midheaven at the same time, which would help his public standing.

Saturn has been opposite his Venus since January and this will run through October, showing depression and lack of funds.

And finally, we go back to Pluto and our 2017 forecast.

Trump’s most important transit is Pluto opposite his Saturn, from 2018 through 2020. Pluto likes to tear things down to rebuild, and Saturn rules authority and corporations and structure. And so this tense opposition, which comes just once a lifetime, will be very important to someone holding the highest authority in the land.

How it will play out remains to be seen, but I’d imagine it would be threats to his authority, where others are trying to take him down, or legal issues. He won’t come out of it the same, that’s for sure.

So overall, he has virtually none of the dynamic transits he had last time.

Biden's Transits: Jupiter Boost

Now, for Biden, he has the Sun conjunct his Mars on Election Day and the next morning, making him more energetic.

He then has the Sun conjunct his Sun on the 18th, which is like a day of recharging and starting off a new cycle for the year. Or to put it more simply, it’s his birthday.

For outer planets, he has Jupiter sextile his Mercury for October, helping with communications, and Jupiter opposite his Jupiter for November, which is a great time of confidence and success. He also has Jupiter trine his Midheaven for February, July, and October this year, improving his public standing.

Jupiter takes 12 years to go around a chart, and so he had those same transits from Jupiter during the election in 2008, when he became Vice President.

Plus, he has Saturn sextile his Sun for mid-October to mid-November, which is a time of working well and getting recognition.

So overall, Biden has a great collection of transits for November.

Nation’s Transits: Not As Bad As You'd Think

Okay, now we check out the chart for the United States and see what it has going on around Election Day.

Mercury is square the nation’s Pluto on October 29th, then again on November 7th. Since Mercury is communications and Pluto is power and secrets, this could suggest hidden powers affecting the vote, secrets being revealed, or simply a lot of anger being expressed.

For the 4th, though, the nation has the Sun trine its Sun, which is excellent and suggests things working well.

Venus is conjunct the nation's Saturn on November 8th, which means everyone's feeling a bit depressed.

And finally, the Sun is square our Moon on the 18th, showing slight discord, and Venus is square our Pluto on the 18th-19th, which shows jealousy and resentment.

So Trump, Biden, and the nation all have transits pointing to the 18th as the day when things may be decided, or a similar event.


The debates will take place over the next month, starting tonight, and I checked the candidates’ transits for those days. A lot plays into these things, including the news of the day and what they had for dinner, but here’s what their transits will be contributing.

For the first debate, September 29th, Biden will have plenty of energy and come across as likeable. Trump will be riled up from 10-11 pm, with his Moon square Uranus. Which is exactly the same progressed transit he has for all of October - impulsive and rebellious, with emotional outbursts. Then, for the next five days after the debate, he’ll feel frustrated, especially with authority.

[Update, from NPR: "The first round was by many accounts a disaster. NPR’s Domenico Montanaro called it 'maybe the worst presidential debate in American history.' Trump interrupted Biden constantly, peppering him with questions and personal slights despite moderator Chris Wallace’s pleas for order."]

For the second debate, October 15th, Biden is in the clear, and Trump will be feeling frustrated for that night and the next day.

And for the third debate, Biden may feel at odds between his intellect and emotions, but still be likeable. And Trump will have his best night, with a likeable transit plus Mars giving him a boost of energy for that night and the next three days.


When I was checking on Biden’s transits at the start of the year, to see who would be nominated, I looked at Inauguration Day 2021 and found Biden has a huge collection of powerhouse transits.

First, both Jupiter and Saturn will be opposite his Pluto for that month. That’s because Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct in the sky, as they are every twenty years, and which in ancient days was a sign of power changing hands. And here they are, both opposite Biden’s Pluto, the planet of power.

He also has Jupiter trine his Saturn that month, Uranus and Mars both square his Pluto, and Pluto itself opposite his Jupiter.

And the Moon, which takes a month to go around a chart, is exactly conjunct his own Moon that very hour, showing he’s emotionally fit for the position.

Taken together, these are very potent transits. As if the power of the country will be conferred upon him.

If a friend had all these transits at once, I’d tell him to take on a huge restoration project, like tearing down a barn and building a new one. Not only to put all that Plutonian transformative energy to good use, but to give a good outlet for all that energy.


So, taken together, all of this points strongly to Biden winning the Election. If that win will include the Electoral College, or if it will be contested, I can't say, but I don't see any signs of conflict for November other than Jupiter conjunct the nation's Pluto, which I covered in the previous post.

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