Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Presidential Forecast 2022-2028 - Part 1: The Fog of Rebellion

Part 1: U.S. Transits - The Fog of Rebellion

So we’re about a week from the mid-term elections of 2022, and I figure it’s time to lay down predictions on how the Presidential election in 2024 will turn out. I got an idea how it would be when researching my last report two years ago, but it would’ve been cruel to post it then. We’d just come through a tumultuous election and tragic post-election, and so best to let it all wait.

But to seriously put astrology to the test, I should post my forecast for the next six years for the nation now, before the mid-term election gives any clues to which way things might go.

There’s many methods of interpreting charts, and we’ll look at long-term transits first, since those are most likely to show any major turning points on the horizon.

U.S. Transits

Right now, in November 2022, we’re dealing with the effects of the pandemic, inflation, the war in Ukraine, and a full 70% of Republicans still believing the last election was stolen.

Which way we’ll go from here is hanging in the balance.

Saturn will be giving us the usual challenges, as with a depressive Jan-Feb 2023 in a few months, and then Saturn square Uranus for Feb 2024 and Saturn square Ascendant for the rest of 2024, making it a difficult election year. But the real effects will come from Uranus.


If Saturn is the stern drill sergeant putting weights in your pack to make you stronger, Uranus is Jimi Hendrix - unpredictable, electric, rebellious, and breaking up the old ways to bring in evolution.

Uranus square Moon  May 2024 - March 2026

Uranus comes into a challenging aspect to our Moon every 20-22 years, and they’re often unsettling since they bring about emotional upheaval and force people to adjust to new circumstances.
They've coincided with the start of the War of 1812, WWI, and WWII, and was in effect for 9/11 as well. Exactly the kind of sudden, emotionally-wrought changes to the home front that Uranus aspecting the nation’s vulnerable, emotional Moon could bring.
(Note: Historical events like those often are a combination of many strong transits, as with 9/11, when Pluto was crossing our Ascendant for the first time ever, so don't read too much into one transit, but look for the combined effects.)
It all begins in the election year of 2024, but most of it will be during the first year of the next administration, so it’s a definite sign it will be fraught with tension.

Uranus conjunct Uranus  mid-2026 - mid-2028

The next year we have Uranus returning to its place in our chart. It does this only once every 82 years, and for a person it's often a time of breaking free of the past and becoming more truly yourself.

How this will play out for the nation I don’t know, but there surely won’t be anything predictable or stable going on while it lasts. Uranus rules earthquakes, and this will shake things up but leave us in a better space.

Uranus opposite Ascendant  mid-2028 - mid-2029

That one is immediately followed by Uranus opposite our Ascendant. This one is even more unpredictable, since its actions often come from others. As with a rebellious group bringing in revolution, or sudden changes in our allies. Or the election that year might be marked by something completely haywire.

So in all, from 2024 to mid 2029 will be a very unpredictable time for the nation.


Now we move out to mystical Neptune, which at its best rules inspiration and compassion, and at its worst rules addiction and delusion and feeling like you’re driving in the fog and have lost your way.

We’re still reeling from the effects of the last two transits from Neptune: Neptune square our Ascendant for 2015 to 2017, when the 2016 election was caught in a storm of delusion and deception, and Neptune square our Mars for April 2019 to March 2022, when misinformation took an even firmer hold on the nation.

And now for 2024 and the next administration.

Neptune opposite Midheaven  Feb 2024 - Jan 2027

The Midheaven rules one’s public standing and government, and so during this time we're going to be more unsure of ourselves, driving in the fog, not sure where to go.  It'll feel like there's no firm footing as we try to make sense of things. It also shows how for the next election the fog machines will be on full again, and many will be misguided in who to trust.

Neptune square Venus  mid-2025 - mid-2027

In one’s personal life, this one would mean the dangers of falling in love with someone you’re not seeing clearly. As a nation, it’ll probably mean deception about finances, or one’s financial security being washed away. (Saturn will square our Venus in the midst of it, for mid-February to mid-March 2026, creating a situation of depression or financial hardship.)

Neptune square Jupiter  mid-2026 - mid-2028

This one is a danger in that Jupiter expands all the qualities of Neptune. At its worst will be the temptation to go full out in addictions, such as gambling and drugs. It could also mean a great deal of gaslighting and deception.

So in all, for the past seven years Neptune has been undercutting the functions of an informed democracy, and will continue to do so. Whoever we elect in 2024, it won’t be with any sense of clarity.


And now we get to Pluto, which moves very slowly and brings about deep changes. It rules destruction, death, and resurrection. It also rules volcanoes, and just like volcanoes, its effects can simmer for a long time and then explode.

Pluto conjunct Pluto  Jan 2020 - Dec 2023

As I wrote in-depth in my earlier reports, Pluto is the one that set the stage for everything that happened in 2020. Those revolutionary changes will be with us for another full year.

Pluto trine Midheaven  Jan 2022 - Jan 2025

We’re almost a year into this one, and with a trine aspect, it shows the potential for a positive transformation of our government, using its power well. Notice how it will end at the start of the next administration.


Our progressed Moon will be opposite our Midheaven for all of December 2024, so that’s a sign that the next election might not be validated until then, or something will happen to cause people to be emotionally charged in regard to the government.

Also, our progressed Sun will be opposite Neptune for March 2026 - March 2027, showing the chance of more fog and the dangers of illusions.

Summing Up

We have one more year of Pluto conjunct Pluto bringing revolutionary fervor, starting in the middle of 2024 we’ll have five years of unpredictable Uranus breaking up everything we thought was solid, and Neptune will cloud everything up so much, people will think we’re winning.

So yeah, it definitely looks like Trump will be in office again, the most unpredictable and delusional president ever.

In Part 2 we’ll cover The Contenders to see which candidate has the best transits for the upcoming election.

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