Monday, January 20, 2025

2025-2029 Forecast - Part 2: Trump's Tantrum of Transits

written Jan 8th-19th, 2025

I wrote about Trump's current transits in my 2022 report, and you can read it all there. Just scroll down a little to the section that says Trump: Electric Boogaloo.

Before the upcoming Inauguration, though, I'd like to update that report with a few more transits that will occur doing his second administration.

So here's the best I can tell you about what to expect.


Saturn square Uranus     Apr 2024 - early Feb 2025
During his first month in office, he'll have the third pass of Saturn to his Uranus, which is a frustrating time, where you feel held back and blocked.

Saturn square Moon     Feb 2025
That same month he'll feel lonely and depressed.

Saturn square Sun     mid-Feb - mid-Mar 2025
And he'll have reason to feel that way with Saturn weighing on him still through mid-March, making him feel like everyone's getting on his case, including authorities restricting his actions.

Saturn trine Saturn     Mar 2025
At the same time, Saturn trine Saturn will help him get organized and have more authority.

Saturn trine Venus     Apr 2025 - Dec 2025
And the rest of the year he has a helpful trine to Venus, aiding in management of finances.

Saturn opposite Neptune     Mar 2026
A year later, though, he'll feel like his illusions are being dashed. Feelings of doubt, disappointment, and confusion.

Saturn trine Pluto     Apr 2026 - Jan 2027
But he'll pull out of it again with a strong trine to Pluto for the rest of his second year, showing skillful use of power.

Saturn square Saturn     May 2027 - Feb 2028
His third year has some struggles and frustrations. It's a time of low confidence and trouble at work.

Saturn square Venus     Jun 2027 - Feb 2028
At the same time he'll be feeling depressed or lacking in funds.

Saturn square Pluto     mid-Jun 2028 - Mar 2029
And he'll close out his last year in office with the law getting on his case for abuse of power. Or at least keeping him hindered.

So going just by Saturn, he'll have a rough two months at first, then things will go well until his third and fourth years.


In my 2022 report we covered how Uranus is right now both conjunct Trump's Midheaven and square his Mars for another few months, and square his Ascendant for the next year. All of which is making him very unpredictable. The square to Mars, especially, would get him threatening war, as he's been doing with Panama and Canada, just for the thrill of playing with that kind of power.

Uranus conjunct Uranus     Aug 2028 - Jun 2030

During his last six months in office he'll have another strong transit from Uranus when it returns to its place in his chart for the first time. This happens for everyone at age 84, and we just covered this same transit in the last post, because the nation will be going through it before Trump does, for
July 2026 - May 2028.

The Uranus Return is often a time of letting go of all you created in your life and turning to more spiritual matters. You've done your work, you see everything falling away around you, including your own body, and start looking for your next expansion into freedom.

One can't see Trump doing this, of course. He'll cling to everything and make a shambles as he sees the end of his presidency coming.

And for that reason, I suspect he'll act rashly and try to stay on as president. It could be that by then he actually will be ready to give it all up. But expect something strange in his last summer as president or in his public role afterwards. Especially if it has to do with the internet or social media.

To sum up his Uranus transits, he'll be dangerously unpredictable for the first few months, then almost as unpredictable for his first year. And his last six months will be some kind of break, including a drive to break all the rules and stay in office.


Neptune opposite Neptune     May 2025 - Feb 2029

Here's another very rare transit everyone gets only once, around age 82. Neptune rules both illusions and all we can't see, including inspiration and spirit itself. When we reach this age, Neptune, king of the sea as well as fog, washes away our foundations and dissolves all we thought was solid.

And so when Trump gets this one, starting in a few months and going through his full second term, he's not going to enjoy it much.

At best for him (and worst for us), he'll continue to be wrapped up in delusions and trying to convince everyone else of them. At worst for him, he'll feel the relentless waves of time and know that whatever he creates, it will not stand. Which might make him try to grasp at things all the more.

Neptune square Mercury     Apr 2027 - Feb 2030

During the second half of his administration, Trump has another troubling transit from Neptune. This one is to his Mercury, which rules one's thinking and communications.

This is a very strong sign that he'll continue to spread misinformation. If that sounds like nothing new, it's because he was born with this aspect in his birth chart, so it's built-in to his way of life. He sees only what he wants to see, and twists everything to fit that distorted vision.

Take this talk from 2020 about the wildfires in California.
Official: If we ignore science, we're not going to succeed in protecting California.
Trump: It will start getting cooler. You just watch.
Official: I wish science agreed with you.
Trump: I don't think science knows, actually.
Since then, each year has set a new record for the hottest year yet, and as I write this, Los Angeles is caught in a devastating inferno caused by climate change.

In short, there's no reasoning with him, no facts that will change his mind. He believes in his alternative facts, which means whatever he wants to believe, and you'll see this even more two years from now.

Also, this transit at his age might well show a serious cognitive decline, where he's not thinking clearly at all. To the point where he might retreat into a world of his own making, spouting conspiracy theories all the way down.
     The quality of your mind is being tested now, and any loose ends in your thinking or attitudes will become a serious source of trouble. Any unclear ideas will become a source of confusion to you in many aspects of your life.
     Avoid making important decisions under this transit, especially about your career and overall life objectives. You probably are not seeing clearly enough to make intelligent decisions that take into account all of the relevant factors.
     You may become obsessed with strange ideas and fanciful beliefs, especially religious notions. Avoid drugs that affect the mind at this time, for your mind already has enough unreality to contend with.
     - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit
     The person becomes confused easily, and he often exaggerates. His judgment is poor. It is a very bad time to make important decisions. The person is very susceptible to being deceived or used now. Above all, he should guard against get-rich-quick schemes and opportunities which appear too good to be true.
     The person is disorganized and unfocused, and he has trouble with discipline. He readily forgets things and has difficulty keeping his word. If Mercury is severely afflicted in his natal birth chart [it has that square to Neptune], the person may experience mental instability or a nervous breakdown.
     - James Braha, Transits of the West
To give an example of how dangerous having this transit during a Presidency can be, Bush Jr. had this one when he said God told him He wants us to invade Iraq. And that he ignored his own father's warning about invading Baghdad because "There is a higher father that I appeal to."

To sum up, for this entire term, and especially the second half, Trump will be even more confused and deceitful than usual. Especially if the evangelists fill his head with ideas that he's God's golden boy and can do no wrong. And no matter how much his people try to hide it, as they did with Reagan, Trump won't sit back but will demand a full audience of his brilliant insights.


Pluto opposite Pluto     Feb 2027 - Jan 2031

And finally we come to Pluto. As with Uranus conjunct Uranus and Neptune opposite Neptune, this is a generational transit, affecting everyone his age.

Here Pluto is clearing the decks of all that isn't needed. This one goes for the second half of his term, and if he uses it well, he'll delve into therapy and gain understanding of his hang-ups and compulsions.

But we all know he'll take things the other way. In short, it's another troubling sign he'll adamantly try to hold onto the Presidency and threaten everyone who won't give him a third term.
     Many things may be destroyed at this time, and the destruction will be ruthless if you defend them with rigidity. Pluto's action is particularly harsh. Therefore you should simply allow the things of the past to fade and allow the future to be born on their ruins. If you can do this, the potential for positive change with Pluto is very great.
     You may also get into severe power struggles with people who are trying to prevent the changes in your life or who are trying to expedite changes that you are resisting.
     - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit
To sum up, his last two years he'll not only be confused from Neptune, but he'll be struggling for power, tearing everything down, and blaming everyone but himself.


Progressed Moon opposite Midheaven     Jan 2026
Tension between his home/emotions and his status.

Progressed Moon square Mars     Mar-Apr 2026
Irritable and angry.

Progressed Moon opposite Uranus     Jan 2028
Something will upset him, probably to do with the Republican primaries.

Progressed Moon conjunct Moon     Apr-May 2028
Progressed Moon opposite Sun       May-Jun 2028

These last two will really bring out the emotions in him, and since they're when the GOP will be choosing their next candidate, it shows he'll be pushing to be the one. If he can't get on the ticket again, he might start a write-in campaign and subvert the election that way.

And finally there's this long-term progression from Mars.

Progressed Mars conjunct Jupiter     all 2028 and 2029

This is Mars at full throtle, where you have lots of energy and ambition and luck is on your side. Seeing this in effect for the next election year, along with the transits above, reinforces the fact that Trump's going to claim the right to be president again.

Wrapping Up the Wreckage

When you put all that together, the picture is clear. His first two months he'll get the most resistance, he'll get more erratic in his third and fourth year, and his last year especially he'll be cantankerous and refusing to leave office. Add an unhealthy dose of delusion and deception to all of it, and then double that for the second half of the term, and you got the makings of a very chaotic, unpredictable, and destructive Presidency.

Historians have already unaminously placed Trump's first term as among the first to third worst Presidencies ever. This next one, it will seem like he's trying to go even lower, and will lash out at anyone who gets in his way.
It's worth nothing that whenever the GOP have used a dictator for their own purposes (Ngô Đình Cẩn, Noriega, Saddam), it always backfires on them. And they'll discover the same here. For as soon as they try to leash in what they've created, he's going to tear through them with the same blunt cruelty they applauded and laughed at for so long.

In Part 3 we'll take a look at today's Inauguration chart, which backs up everything we've gone over.

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