Sunday, January 12, 2025

Election 2024 Epilogue

So I didn't get the election right. My first take on it, back in 2022, was certain Biden would not be reelected, and that was spot on. But once Harris was in the race, things got too close to call. I was very cautious about it, saying, "It may not be the actual way it will go," but still, I got it wrong.

What happened is, all summer and through the autumn I avoided the polls. Looked away if I even glimpsed a chart online. I simply did not want to know. And then, while I was in the middle of writing my update with Harris as the new nominee, someone on social media mentioned how she was ahead in Pennsylvania by three points and even Iowa was looking good.

I tried to figure out how that could be and came up with the idea that our nation's Uranus square Moon transit could mean a breakthrough in status for women, as it has been at times in the past. I wasn't convinced, but I had to choose one way or the other, and in the end went with the story I liked best.

I can take some comfort in how Adrian Ross Duncan, who has been very on top of things with elections, even he said Harris would win. If only because "the thought of a second Trump term is impossible for me to contemplate." And this is after he cautioned about how, when forecasting elections, "You will have to fight confirmation bias."

Also, after the election, when I finally checked the 538 after avoiding polls all year, it turned out that even with all their months of polling data and numbers crunching, they also gave Harris a slight edge. So my report, using a twenty-year-old copy of an astrology program, actually did as well as they did.

Now we move on to our forecast for 2025-2029, and with this there's no polls to confuse us. No one has any idea how it will go, but I think I can give some good insight on what to expect.

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