Monday, November 7, 2022

Part 4: Pluto at Noon

Inauguration Chart

And finally we come to our last way of trying to see how things will turn out for the nation. And that is to take a look at the Inauguration chart for Jan 20, 2025.

What is most forboding about this chart his how Pluto is right at the top of the chart, at the Midheaven, conjunct the Sun that very day.

Since Pluto moves so slowly, Biden’s Inauguration chart (same
day, same time, same place) had this aspect as well, with Pluto just six degrees from conjunct the Sun on the day of his Inauguration. In 2025 it will be exactly conjunct, which will make the effects even stronger. Especially since both the Sun and Pluto will be conjunct the Midheaven, which represents our public stature.

Having the Sun conjunct Pluto in an administration's chart gives a lot of willpower and a strong purpose, but it can be a domineering power. It would also make you want to get into the depths of things and uncover mysteries, while keeping your own actions secretive. Pluto can transform things for the better, but it can also be destructive in the wrong hands. Having Pluto conjunct the Midheaven on top of that means much the same, but in a more public and professional way, such as climbing the corporate ladder or being a military leader.

With Biden's Inauguration, Pluto was just one degree past the Midheaven, and in 2025, Pluto will be five degrees past the Midheaven. Both of these are within the orb of influence, but in this case Biden’s conjunction was stronger. But if the 2025 swearing-in is just fifteen minutes past noon, as it was with Nixon, then look out. The chart will have both the Sun and Pluto exactly conjunct the Midheaven, and Uranus will be conjunct the Ascendant. And that will take some very careful management to handle well.
That’s all troubling enough. But you can also see a Grand Cross, which is made of four square aspects and two oppositions that create that big red square in the middle. With such tense aspects between the Moon, Mars, Chiron, and the Midheaven, it could well be a sign of anger, wounding, and lots of turmoil that will hurt women especially.
The only good part is both the Sun and Pluto will have just moved from the often cold, calculating sign of Capricorn and into the humanitarian, evolutionary sign of Aquarius. That might temper any abuses of power, or at least channel them into more constructive actions.
Wrapping Up

Two years ago I wrote, “So, taken together, all of this points strongly to Biden winning the Election.” This time it’s Trump who gets the winning hand. With Uranus conjunct his Midheaven, dramatic change to his public stature could go either way, but all his other transits show things going well for him during the election. The key phrase for Uranus transits is to "Expect the unexpected," and his return to the Presidency will be just that.

The one good thing from all of this, and the gift of astrology, is that however chaotic things get, at least we know there’s a reason for it. To everything there is a season, and we’re in the midst of one of the most disruptive seasons for our nation.
The last time Pluto was conjunct our Pluto, where it's been in our nation's chart for all of 2020-2023, was during the Revolution. 
The last time Neptune was opposite our Neptune, as it's been for 2019-2022, was 1857-1859.
And the last time Uranus was conjunct our Uranus, which is coming for 2026-2028, was 1944, and the time before that was 1859-1861.
In no way am I saying we'll be facing another Revolution or Civil War. But just like then, tensions have been building, and the rallying cries for freedom from the government, and the feeling of the nation dividing, has rarely been stronger in modern times. And all the anger and division and fog isn’t going to clear anytime soon.
Thanks for reading, and remember, all of this could be wrong. It's the best insight I can give on what we're going through, to at least show there's a reason for it, and that it will eventually pass. And so, as with a rough weather forecast, you can understand why all these issues are working themselves out now, and so ride out the storm with a bit more wisdom and insight.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Part 3: The Big Days

Nov 8, 2022: Mid-Term Exams

Short term transits, such as from the Sun, are in effect for only one day, and Mars up to five, but they can give insight into how things might go on a particular day.

During the upcoming mid-term elections in a few weeks, there’s a few of these stressful aspects occurring in the heavens that will be affecting everyone the world over.

First, both the Sun and Mercury will be opposite Uranus all Election Day and night, creating unexpected events, as with trouble with electronic voting machines.

Then Mercury will be square Saturn all the next day, showing negative thinking and arguments. And the day after that, the Sun will be square Saturn, showing depression.

Of course, one side or the other is always depressed and arguing after an election, but this doesn’t bode well for a smooth transition.

On top of that, Mars will be square Neptune from November 15-19. This shows a heightened possibility of deceitful actions. So if there’s any elections still being contested, don’t trust anything that is said during this time.

Election Day 2024: October Anger

And now a look at how the nation and each contender will be feeling during the 2024 election.

First, for aspects occurring then in the sky, Election Day looks clear, but there’s a dangerous opposition right before it from Mars to Pluto for October 29 - November 2, and then again December 29 - January 2 and April 22-26.

US Transits

At about the same time, October 24-28, Mars will be opposite our nation’s Pluto as well, showing an increased possibility of anger and conflict just a week before the election.  It’s even in the 8th House, ruled by Pluto, for all of October and November. Then it again opposes our Pluto again on Jan 8-12 and April 7-11.

Except for those danger points, everything would seem to be running well. Which in itself is kind of foreboding, in that one can tell who will win an election simply by how there won’t be a mob attacking the Capitol.


Biden has four good Mars transits for October, giving him energy to keep going, but then all screeches to a halt when Mars squares his Moon for November 2-6. Showing he’s going to be upset and angry.


For October 24-28, Mars will be square both her Sun and Moon, showing conflict and anger. These are the exact same dates above for potential violence in the US, but not sure if it will be directed toward her or she’ll be reacting to it.


On Election Day he has Venus opposite his Sun, showing good feelings, and for that night and the next day, Mercury sextile Neptune, showing he’ll be communicating well, even if while being inventive with the facts.

Also, he gets two boosts from Jupiter.

Jupiter trine Jupiter        Aug, Nov 2024, Mar 2025
Jupiter conjunct Uranus  Aug, Nov 2024, Mar 2025

This bodes very well for him, in that Jupiter is always bestowing gifts, and having it trine itself (a time of good luck) and conjunct Uranus (sudden windfalls or promotions) during the election is a sure sign of him gaining back the Presidency.

So if we tally those up, it’s plain to see that Trump will be appreciating the results of the next election a lot more than the last one.

Inauguration Day 2025: Pluto Again

I also checked everyone’s day-to-day transits on Inauguration Day, and Biden has the Sun square his Moon, showing feeling at odds with things.

And for Trump, he not only has Mars sextile his Midheaven, showing his career and status improving, but also Mars conjunct Saturn, which could bring some impatience, but also might show energy being put into his authority.

What’s troubling is how in the sky that very day the Sun will be conjunct Pluto. And we’ll get to that in Part 4, since it will be a strong part of the Inauguration chart, showing how things will be with the next administration.

Presidential Forecast 2022-2028 - Part 1: The Fog of Rebellion

Part 1: U.S. Transits - The Fog of Rebellion

So we’re about a week from the mid-term elections of 2022, and I figure it’s time to lay down predictions on how the Presidential election in 2024 will turn out. I got an idea how it would be when researching my last report two years ago, but it would’ve been cruel to post it then. We’d just come through a tumultuous election and tragic post-election, and so best to let it all wait.

But to seriously put astrology to the test, I should post my forecast for the next six years for the nation now, before the mid-term election gives any clues to which way things might go.

There’s many methods of interpreting charts, and we’ll look at long-term transits first, since those are most likely to show any major turning points on the horizon.

U.S. Transits

Right now, in November 2022, we’re dealing with the effects of the pandemic, inflation, the war in Ukraine, and a full 70% of Republicans still believing the last election was stolen.

Which way we’ll go from here is hanging in the balance.

Saturn will be giving us the usual challenges, as with a depressive Jan-Feb 2023 in a few months, and then Saturn square Uranus for Feb 2024 and Saturn square Ascendant for the rest of 2024, making it a difficult election year. But the real effects will come from Uranus.


If Saturn is the stern drill sergeant putting weights in your pack to make you stronger, Uranus is Jimi Hendrix - unpredictable, electric, rebellious, and breaking up the old ways to bring in evolution.

Uranus square Moon  May 2024 - March 2026

Uranus comes into a challenging aspect to our Moon every 20-22 years, and they’re often unsettling since they bring about emotional upheaval and force people to adjust to new circumstances.
They've coincided with the start of the War of 1812, WWI, and WWII, and was in effect for 9/11 as well. Exactly the kind of sudden, emotionally-wrought changes to the home front that Uranus aspecting the nation’s vulnerable, emotional Moon could bring.
(Note: Historical events like those often are a combination of many strong transits, as with 9/11, when Pluto was crossing our Ascendant for the first time ever, so don't read too much into one transit, but look for the combined effects.)
It all begins in the election year of 2024, but most of it will be during the first year of the next administration, so it’s a definite sign it will be fraught with tension.

Uranus conjunct Uranus  mid-2026 - mid-2028

The next year we have Uranus returning to its place in our chart. It does this only once every 82 years, and for a person it's often a time of breaking free of the past and becoming more truly yourself.

How this will play out for the nation I don’t know, but there surely won’t be anything predictable or stable going on while it lasts. Uranus rules earthquakes, and this will shake things up but leave us in a better space.

Uranus opposite Ascendant  mid-2028 - mid-2029

That one is immediately followed by Uranus opposite our Ascendant. This one is even more unpredictable, since its actions often come from others. As with a rebellious group bringing in revolution, or sudden changes in our allies. Or the election that year might be marked by something completely haywire.

So in all, from 2024 to mid 2029 will be a very unpredictable time for the nation.


Now we move out to mystical Neptune, which at its best rules inspiration and compassion, and at its worst rules addiction and delusion and feeling like you’re driving in the fog and have lost your way.

We’re still reeling from the effects of the last two transits from Neptune: Neptune square our Ascendant for 2015 to 2017, when the 2016 election was caught in a storm of delusion and deception, and Neptune square our Mars for April 2019 to March 2022, when misinformation took an even firmer hold on the nation.

And now for 2024 and the next administration.

Neptune opposite Midheaven  Feb 2024 - Jan 2027

The Midheaven rules one’s public standing and government, and so during this time we're going to be more unsure of ourselves, driving in the fog, not sure where to go.  It'll feel like there's no firm footing as we try to make sense of things. It also shows how for the next election the fog machines will be on full again, and many will be misguided in who to trust.

Neptune square Venus  mid-2025 - mid-2027

In one’s personal life, this one would mean the dangers of falling in love with someone you’re not seeing clearly. As a nation, it’ll probably mean deception about finances, or one’s financial security being washed away. (Saturn will square our Venus in the midst of it, for mid-February to mid-March 2026, creating a situation of depression or financial hardship.)

Neptune square Jupiter  mid-2026 - mid-2028

This one is a danger in that Jupiter expands all the qualities of Neptune. At its worst will be the temptation to go full out in addictions, such as gambling and drugs. It could also mean a great deal of gaslighting and deception.

So in all, for the past seven years Neptune has been undercutting the functions of an informed democracy, and will continue to do so. Whoever we elect in 2024, it won’t be with any sense of clarity.


And now we get to Pluto, which moves very slowly and brings about deep changes. It rules destruction, death, and resurrection. It also rules volcanoes, and just like volcanoes, its effects can simmer for a long time and then explode.

Pluto conjunct Pluto  Jan 2020 - Dec 2023

As I wrote in-depth in my earlier reports, Pluto is the one that set the stage for everything that happened in 2020. Those revolutionary changes will be with us for another full year.

Pluto trine Midheaven  Jan 2022 - Jan 2025

We’re almost a year into this one, and with a trine aspect, it shows the potential for a positive transformation of our government, using its power well. Notice how it will end at the start of the next administration.


Our progressed Moon will be opposite our Midheaven for all of December 2024, so that’s a sign that the next election might not be validated until then, or something will happen to cause people to be emotionally charged in regard to the government.

Also, our progressed Sun will be opposite Neptune for March 2026 - March 2027, showing the chance of more fog and the dangers of illusions.

Summing Up

We have one more year of Pluto conjunct Pluto bringing revolutionary fervor, starting in the middle of 2024 we’ll have five years of unpredictable Uranus breaking up everything we thought was solid, and Neptune will cloud everything up so much, people will think we’re winning.

So yeah, it definitely looks like Trump will be in office again, the most unpredictable and delusional president ever.

In Part 2 we’ll cover The Contenders to see which candidate has the best transits for the upcoming election.

Part 2: The Contenders

Here we’ll look at the candidates for the next Presidency of the United States and see which one has the best chance.

Biden: Carrying the Weight to the End

President Biden has had a hard time of it, with his first two years including Saturn opposite Pluto and square Mars, which I said would mean “Can’t make changes you want, conflict, power struggles,” and “Held back, frustrated.”

For the next two years he has even worse challenging Saturn transits, with lots of frustrations, and it all starts going downhill for him right when the new Senate is sworn in, which shows you how the mid-term elections might go.

The good news for him is that in 2025 the storm clears and he has a string of great transits from Saturn to his Jupiter, Sun, and Venus for all 2025, and more in 2026. So if he can make it through reelection, he’ll be much better off, but it’s most likely those good transits will come too late, and they only show his retirement.


Since the start of his presidency, Biden has had a mix from Uranus.

Uranus opposite Mars  May 2020 - Mar 2022
Uranus trine Midheaven  May 2022 - Mar 2024

The first shows tension with trying to implement changes, and even outright opposition from angry Mars. Since then he’s had a better patch with the trine to his Midheaven, helping him be more dynamic and innovative.

Right after that one is over, he has

Uranus opposite Sun  May 2024 - Mar 2026

This would bring unpredictable changes, with lots of tension, and make him more prone to take risks for greater freedom.


Pluto square Moon  Feb 2022 - Dec 2024

As I wrote in my last report, “For 2022 through 2024, Biden will be facing deep emotional issues, conflict with the people, or threats to his home, which for the President would represent the nation.”

With Putin and Jong-un rattling their sabers, this doesn’t sound good. But I think it shows the power struggles over control of the nation, including personal attacks on him and his family, and bringing out repressed anger. It will run right through to Election Day.

Summing Up

So as I wrote last time, “A rough patch for him for the next four years,” and I don’t see any signs in his transits that he’ll continue on as President in 2025.

Trump: Electric Boogaloo

And now we get to Trump. The other day, three of the ten headlines listed at The Week’s Daily Briefing weren’t good for Trump: "House Jan. 6 committee votes to subpoena Trump," "Supreme Court denies Trump request on Mar-a-Lago documents," and "New York attorney general asks court to freeze Trump assets." And for the day before, one of them said, "Judge says Trump can't delay deposition in rape accuser's defamation lawsuit." So he’s getting hit on all sides.

And yet none of this has fazed his supporters. In fact,
once you see Trump’s transits, the forecast will be clear enough.


Right now Trump has Saturn square his Midheaven, and since Saturn is stern and brings limitations, that has brought frustrations and setbacks with Trump’s public standing, just as we’ve seen in the news. It started in April 2022 and will run a few more months, till Jan 2023.

Five months later, in June 2023, he’ll start into the most important transit I’ll cover here, and possibly the key to the next election.

Uranus conjunct Midheaven  Jun 2023 - Mar 2025

As we’ve already covered, Uranus is the wild entertainer, like Jimi Hendrix. He’s unpredictable, electric, and brings about revolutionary change. And for the first time in Trump’s life, Uranus will be moving right to the top of his chart and crossing his Midheaven, which rules one’s status and public persona. So all the electric effects will be on center stage.

When I first saw that in 2020, I figured he’d get back that dynamic showmanship he had in 2016, when he had Uranus trine his Mars, which many saw as missing in 2020.

Now, with Elon Musk finally going ahead with his purchase of Twitter and saying he’ll allow more disinformation and might bring back Trump, that could well connect to this transit. Where Trump will say he’s been vindicated and launch back into a full-scale
blatherfest of disruptive tweets.

Whatever it is, expect it to start in June 2023 and last for two years. This will be when his campaign is in full swing, and simply his being reelected after being voted out of office will be a very unexpected and Uranus-type event.

With Uranus it's always unpredictable. But expect a strong change in his public status - whether that comes from a fall from grace or his return to the Presidency, it's hard to say, but with him bragging last week about the crowd size on Jan 6, I can't see how anything will turn his base against him or cause the GOP to hold him accountable.
The first time Trump had Uranus aspect his Midheaven was a square for 1959-1962. 1959 was the year he was sent to a private military academy. From The Washington Post: “He was a 13-year-old with a history of trouble at school, and his father sent him to the academy to be straightened out.” That's the kind of unexpected, life-altering event we might expect from this transit.
Uranus square Mars  Aug 2023 - May 2025

Kicking in just a couple months later, Uranus will be making a square aspect to his Mars. This doesn’t bode well for a President, for Uranus is unpredictable and brings about sudden changes, and Mars rules ego, anger, guns, and the military.

    Watch out for impulsive actions, rash decisions and other actions that may have sudden, unexpected consequences and undesirable results in the future. You may feel that your ego is at stake in some way and that you have to assert yourself now regardless of the risk.... The more insecure you are, the more likely you are to do something rash as a way of saying to the world that you are a person to be reckoned with.
    - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit

It could just be that he’ll be even more likely to fly off the handle with tirades, but we’d be lucky if so.

Uranus square Ascendant  July 2024 - May 2026

And finally, adding to that one, and starting a year later, Uranus will be square Trump’s Ascendant, making him even more unpredictable and rebellious.
     This transit is likely to have a very disruptive effect on your relationships. This challenge will be reflected in surprising encounters with others that upset your way of living or in sudden separations from persons who you thought would remain in your life for some time. A difficult marriage, in which there are a number of repressed tensions, may very well not survive this transit.
    - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit

     You are not easily satisfied with things now; even if everything seems to be going along fine, you feel the need to stir things up. You would almost rather have an upset or crisis just for the excitement.
You could be asserting more independence, perhaps at the expense of your friends and relationships.
     - Cafe Astrology
So there’s three very strong transits from Uranus to Trump’s chart, all capable of causing rash actions, and all three in effect for July 2024 through Mar 2025, during the next election. And it’s definitely not a good sign for his first year back in office, when he’ll be out for revenge.

Thou Art the Mars of Malcontents

By the way, Trump was born with Mars conjunct his Ascendant and square his Midheaven, and his Mars, Ascendant, and Midheaven are the three points that will be getting that triple-hit from Uranus, so it’d be good to take a look at how those aspects in his birthchart color his character.

From Café Astrology:
    Generally feisty, Mars conjunct Ascendant people are easily riled up... They want to be seen as powerful people. Impulsive and assertive, they at least exude confidence even if they don’t feel it.

From Astrology King:
    Mars square Midheaven gives an independent spirit and strong will... Willing to challenge convention and tradition, you are not afraid to address social problems and make bold statements.
    Your competitive, assertive and direct approach can inspire others, but you may be accused of bullying, being too demanding, provocative, or offensive.
    You can react with devastating power when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted, sometimes using personal criticisms vindictively. Acting impulsively out of anger, suspicion, or revenge will always make it harder to reach your goals.

So those are the qualities that Uranus is going to be putting on center stage.


Trump’s had Neptune square both his Sun and Moon since 2020, and these transits run through to the end of 2022. Those have made him very delusional in what he sees and thinks, and has led to him misleading everyone else, too.


I figured Trump wouldn’t win the last election because he had his progressed Moon square Uranus (emotional upsets) during November.

This time around he has his progressed Moon square Pluto for the month of the election, which shows him either being angry or throwing his power about.

Also, Trump’s progressed Moon goes into Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) for a couple of years starting January 2024, so that’s another sign that all of election year and the year after he could be even more emotionally volatile and vindictive than usual.

Summing Up
So that’s it for transits, and you can well see why in nearly every regard they favor Trump for the next election.

And now we go to Part 3: The Big Days, for a look at the most important events coming up for the nation.

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