Inauguration Chart
And finally we come to our last way of trying to see how things will turn out for the nation. And that is to take a look at the Inauguration chart for Jan 20, 2025.
What is most forboding about this chart his how Pluto is right at the top of the chart, at the Midheaven, conjunct the Sun that very day.
Since Pluto moves so slowly, Biden’s Inauguration chart (same day, same time, same place) had this aspect as well, with Pluto just six degrees from conjunct the Sun on the day of his Inauguration. In 2025 it will be exactly conjunct, which will make the effects even stronger. Especially since both the Sun and Pluto will be conjunct the Midheaven, which represents our public stature.
And finally we come to our last way of trying to see how things will turn out for the nation. And that is to take a look at the Inauguration chart for Jan 20, 2025.
What is most forboding about this chart his how Pluto is right at the top of the chart, at the Midheaven, conjunct the Sun that very day.
Since Pluto moves so slowly, Biden’s Inauguration chart (same day, same time, same place) had this aspect as well, with Pluto just six degrees from conjunct the Sun on the day of his Inauguration. In 2025 it will be exactly conjunct, which will make the effects even stronger. Especially since both the Sun and Pluto will be conjunct the Midheaven, which represents our public stature.
Having the Sun conjunct Pluto in an administration's chart gives a lot of willpower and a strong purpose, but it can be a domineering power. It would also make you want to get into the depths of things and uncover mysteries, while keeping your own actions secretive. Pluto can transform things for the better, but it can also be destructive in the wrong hands. Having Pluto conjunct the Midheaven on top of that means much the same, but in a more public and professional way, such as climbing the corporate ladder or being a military leader.
With Biden's Inauguration, Pluto was just one degree past the Midheaven, and in 2025, Pluto will be five degrees past the Midheaven. Both of these are within the orb of influence, but in this case Biden’s conjunction was stronger. But if the 2025 swearing-in is just fifteen minutes past noon, as it was with Nixon, then look out. The chart will have both the Sun and Pluto exactly conjunct the Midheaven, and Uranus will be conjunct the Ascendant. And that will take some very careful management to handle well.
That’s all troubling enough. But you can also see a Grand Cross, which is made of four square aspects and two oppositions that create that big red square in the middle. With such tense aspects between the Moon, Mars, Chiron, and the Midheaven,
it could well be a sign of anger, wounding, and lots of turmoil that will hurt women especially.
The only good part is both the Sun and Pluto will have just moved from the often cold, calculating sign of Capricorn and into the humanitarian, evolutionary sign of Aquarius. That might temper any abuses of power, or at least channel them into more constructive actions.
Wrapping Up
Two years ago I wrote, “So, taken together, all of this points strongly to Biden winning the Election.” This time it’s Trump who gets the winning hand. With Uranus conjunct his Midheaven, dramatic change to his public stature could go either way, but all his other transits show things going well for him during the election. The key phrase for Uranus transits is to "Expect the unexpected," and his return to the Presidency will be just that.
The one good thing from all of this, and the gift of astrology, is that however chaotic things get, at least we know there’s a reason for it. To everything there is a season, and we’re in the midst of one of the most disruptive seasons for our nation.
The last time Pluto was conjunct our Pluto, where it's been in our nation's chart for all of 2020-2023, was during the Revolution.
The last time Neptune was opposite our Neptune, as it's been for 2019-2022, was 1857-1859.
And the last time Uranus was conjunct our Uranus, which is coming for
2026-2028, was 1944, and the time before that was 1859-1861.
In no way am I saying we'll be facing another Revolution or Civil War. But just like then, tensions have been building, and the rallying cries for freedom from the government, and the feeling of the nation dividing, has rarely been stronger in modern times. And all the anger and division and fog isn’t going to clear anytime soon.
Thanks for reading, and remember, all of this could be wrong. It's the best insight I can give on what we're going through, to at least show there's a reason for it, and that it will eventually pass. And so, as with a rough weather forecast, you can understand why all these issues are working themselves out now, and so ride out the storm with a bit more wisdom and insight.
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