Monday, September 2, 2024

Part 4: Laying Down the Cards

So how will it turn out? It's the end of August now, and I have to make a choice here because the entire purpose of this blog is to test to see if astrology can give useful insights about political events.

As you’ve already seen, both candidates have a lot going for them. But here’s a quick review of the most important points.

By The Numbers

1) Trump has Uranus conjunct his Midheaven all this year, and that’s an incredibly strong, once-in-a-lifetime transit to be campaigning under. Soon as I saw that four years ago, I figured it was done. Even as he set his followers to rioting at the Capitol, it was clear that he’d be back.

But the thing about Uranus transits is they’ve very unpredictable. Things can go good or bad quickly, and in ways you don’t see coming. This transit leads to unusual changes to your public status, like being reelected after already being voted out of office. Or it could lead to a turn in his career, where things suddenly go downhill.

Harris, meanwhile, has Uranus conjunct her Jupiter, which also comes just once a lifetime. And Jupiter, as long as you don’t take things too far, is a real blessing in a transit like this. Lots of new opportunities coming into your life, lots of expansion and travel.

So she could well have an edge on him with that one.

2) When I was looking at the last election, 
Trump had his progressed Moon square Uranus for November, and I figured that meant him being emotionally in turmoil. This time around he has his progressed Moon square Pluto, which is even more turmoil and resentment.

If he loses, watch out. He’ll send his squads out to wreak havoc, claiming the election has been stolen again, all because his feelings are hurt and he’s scared of what will happen next.

3) Finally, the nation’s strongest transit right now is Uranus square its Moon, and it can mean sudden changes in the home front. I thought sure it meant all the emotional chaos 
Trump’s going to put the nation through with his new agenda.

But as I wrote earlier, it could just as well mean how the role of women will be changed by Uranus. This transit went into effect in May and runs for two years, and already we’ve had a sudden change in the election that has stirred up women voters.

So all those together point to one way this story could unfold. It may not be the actual way it will go. Just like in a mystery, the clues that point so surely to one person can always be flipped and be just as valid in pointing at another. All you need is to find the hidden connections.

I don’t know if I’ve done that. I’d like to think so, but I’m fully aware of how easy it is to read into transits what you want to see or are afraid to see. Just this morning I read an article about the world’s best dark matter detector, and the coordinator of the project felt the same way, saying, “There’s a human tendency to want to see patterns in data, so it’s really important when you enter this new regime that no bias wanders in. If you make a discovery, you want to get it right.”

What I can say for sure is that the path ahead will be rough for some time, especially if
Trump prevails. And that’s because his transits show nothing but anger and abuse of power.

Riled Up Uranus

Let’s take a quick look at those transits again, which you can see in this chart, with his birthchart in the middle and where Uranus is now at the top.
Uranus Conjunct Midheaven  Jun 2023 - Mar 2025
    With this transit you can look for sudden changes in the way you define your individuality before the world. This will be reflected in your profession, your social position and your reputation in the eyes of others. These changes can allow you to break free and encounter life with new freedom and readiness for fresh experience.
    Events may force you to change your line of work altogether or to change your position in the kind of work you do.
    This transit can signify a revolt against authority figures of all sorts, but especially employers.
    - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit

Two years ago I mentioned this.

    The first time Trump had Uranus aspect his Midheaven was a square for 1959-1962. 1959 was the year he was sent to a private military academy. From The Washington Post: “He was a 13-year-old with a history of trouble at school, and his father sent him to the academy to be straightened out.” That's the kind of unexpected, life-altering event we might expect from this transit.

And at the same time he has this one.

Uranus Square Mars  Aug 2023 - May 2025
    Watch out for impulsive actions, rash decisions and other actions that may have sudden, unexpected consequences and undesirable results in the future. You may feel that your ego is at stake in some way and that you have to assert yourself now regardless of the risk of getting involved in an accident.
    It may be difficult to avoid disputes and "blowing up" at others.... The more insecure you are, the more likely you are to do something rash as a way of saying to the world that you are a person to be reckoned with. Authority figures who limit your freedom of movement and self-expression are very likely targets for your rebellion, which may be through petty acts or through larger actions that could get you into difficulties.
    - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit

That’s what made me think he’d be a wrecking ball once back in office, lashing out and demanding to get everything his way.

But it fits even better with the outcome if he loses the election. And so does the last transit he’s getting from Uranus right now, which is Uranus square his Ascendant. It runs from July 2024 - May 2026 and makes one reckless and unpredictable, going off the rails as you try to hold onto the world you knew.

Wrapping Up

As we’ve just covered, when viewed from the perspective of 
Trump losing, all these transits make even more sense than before.

Which is why I’m stating that, as best I can tell, Harris will win this election. It will be close, and it may take time to sort it all out, but it’s most likely how this election will go.

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