Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Part 2: Election Events

It's now early August, and here we’ll take a look how the election might go by checking what transits each nominee has on the important days.


When Trump was nominated at the convention, he had Mercury square his Midheaven, making him communicate not in the best of ways. This is probably why his speech went on so long - Mercury was giving him all these words, and it didn’t help his public standing, which the Midheaven represents.

He also had Mars square his Ascendant. This one makes you frustrated and resentful, and that put all his anger on stage.

    The “new” Donald Trump soothed and silenced the nation for 28 minutes last night. Then the old Trump returned and bellowed, barked and bored America for 64 minutes more.
    - Zachary Basu, Axios


Harris’s nomination will be on the 22nd, and for that she will have Jupiter square Venus, which is in effect for all August, and is great for making a good impression.

She’ll also have the Sun sextile Mercury, which is good for communicating.

And while Trump had Mars square his Ascendant, she’ll have Mars conjunct her Ascendant. When the Sun crosses that point, it’s like the start of a new year, and for Mars it’s much the same, only it comes once every two years. Lots of energy and drive.

In short, a great time for officially taking on a new role.

    You have the chance to show the world what you can do. You may have the opportunity to direct others in some kind of joint project.
    - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit

So for their nominations, Harris is definitely the winner.

Debate, Sept 10

Now we have the first debate coming up next month. How will it go?


Trump will have Mars square Neptune for that night, as well as for a few days before and after.
    You have to deal with feelings of doubt, discouragement, and inadequacy. You may also find yourself unpleasantly confronted by the consequences of past actions that you hoped would simply go away. At a time like this you may be tempted to take a devious course of action in the face of adversity. Mars-Neptune can mean deceitful actions. But you will have to face even more discouraging consequences as a result. Try to avoid confrontations with others.
    - Robert Hand, Planets in Transit

Harris will have Mercury opposite her Midheaven, which is usually about taking care of paperwork and plans at home. But it can also be about arguments, especially when you can’t see another’s point of view.

So I give this first debate to Harris, who will be sharp and assured. While Trump will be resorting to his usual deceptions and come out looking weak.
[Update: The Washington Post asked voters about the debate, and an undecided voter said, "Trump sounds like a confabulating elderly braggart who refuses to answer questions or stay on topic."]
VP Debate, Oct 1


Vance will have Mercury sextile Uranus, Mercury sextile Sun, and Sun sextile Uranus, all of which will help his words come across as fresh and interesting.

So in all, he’ll have a lot going for him in terms of speaking well, getting his message across, and appealing to younger voters.


Walz has Mars square his Sun, which will make him more assertive and combative. Lots of energy, but with sharp words. Ironically, he may come off as too much like Trump, as the angry old man.

At the same time, he has Mars trine his Neptune, which is much the opposite - it’s about putting your energy to good use to help people.

So he’ll come across as a strong reformer, able to switch from going on the offensive to speaking of a higher way.

I’ll call this one a draw, especially if Walz can keep from getting angry.

Election Day, Nov 5

And now we get to the big day, where all that campaigning comes down to the finish line.


Trump has Venus opposite his Sun that day, meaning he’d like to take the day off and relax. And for that night and the next day, Mercury sextile Neptune, showing he’ll be communicating well, even if while being a little inventive with the facts.

Also, he gets two major boosts from Jupiter for August and November this year and March next year.

Jupiter trine Jupiter is one of the best transits there is for good luck and everything going well. He also has Jupiter conjunct Uranus, which will give him lots of electric showmanship and restlessness.

Two years ago, these transits made me sure he’d win the election, and they still figure prominently.

Also, I figured Trump wouldn’t win the last election because he had his progressed Moon square Uranus (emotional upsets) during November.

This time around he has his progressed Moon square Pluto, which shows him either being angry at not being elected or being elected and immediately throwing his power about. Lots of resentment either way.

    Watch your mouth and be ready to put a cork in it if necessary to avoid pointless confrontations.
    - Cafe Astrology


For Election Day, Harris has Venus opposite her Ascendant for that night and the next day, which is a good transit for enjoying time with people.

But she also has Mars square Mercury for the 4th to the 8th, which can be about impatience and getting into arguments. It’ll give her energy for that final day of campaigning, and hopefully she’ll use the right tone.

For her progressions during the election, Harris has her progressed Moon sextile Pluto, which is about using power well, and Sun sextile Saturn, which would help with leadership.

Dueling Jupiters

Here’s something interesting - a month before the election, Jupiter stops at 21 degrees Gemini and goes retro. This will be just one and a half degrees off of Trump’s Sun, and just three degrees off it during the election.

Having Jupiter conjunct your Sun is definitely a sign of things going your way.

At the same time, Jupiter will come up to just two and a half degrees of Harris’s Ascendant, and be four degrees off on Election Day.

Having Jupiter conjunct your Ascendant is a real boost, signifying expansion and success. Jupiter crosses that point, your Rising Sign, just once every 12 years.

Either of those transits could signify one achieving office. And so with both of them happening during the election, it makes it so there’s no clear winner between them.

But overall, Trump does have an edge in transits.

Inauguration Day, Jan 20

Finally, I checked everyone’s transits for Inauguration Day, and Trump has Mars sextile his Midheaven, which makes one self-confident and able to present themselves well.

But he also has Mars conjunct Saturn. That one can definitely be frustrating and feel like being held back, with no outlet for your anger.

Astrology King says “this transit tends to make you angry, resentful, or revengeful,” and so if he wins, Trump will be out for revenge on Inauguration Day and let everyone know.


Harris has a few nice transits, like Venus opposite Venus, Mars sextile Jupiter, and also Sun square Mercury, which has to do with communicating.

She also has her progressed Moon sextile Venus, which is a time of friendship.

So again, very much a draw, but with a slight edge to Harris this time.

Summing Up

If you add all those up like points in a match, Harris wins three to one. But Trump wins on the most important date, Election Day, and that’s got to count at least five points by itself.

Fortunately, that’s not how one does astrology, but by looking at long-term patterns and the charts of all those involved.

And so, before we get to our decision, we need to look at the nation’s transits in Part 3 and see what kind of clues we can find there.

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