Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Part 3: State of the Nation

The nation’s transits for the next few years can tell us a lot of what to expect. We went over them two years ago in this post, and for a quick recap, this year and next there’s potential for emotional upsets, plus few people seeing things clearly because of all the fog (which now has AI to boost it and deceive even more).

So the question is will this turmoil be over Trump’s policies, or will it be from the outrage of Trump’s followers when he says the election was stolen again?

The most important of those transits is Uranus square our Moon, for May 2024 - March 2026. As I wrote two years ago, “Uranus comes into a challenging aspect to our Moon every 20-22 years, and they’re often unsettling since they bring about emotional upheaval and force people to adjust to new circumstances.”

Moon Over America

Now, with Harris in the picture, it’s possible to read this transit differently. Because the Moon not only rules our emotions and home, but women as well. And having a woman as President of the United States is not only a big change for humanity (Uranus), but simply how she became the new nominee was sudden and unexpected, which is exactly how Uranus works.

Robert Hand wrote in Planets in Transit that this one “makes you see and feel from new perspectives,” and having a woman President will definitely do that. It will rile up many, while at the same time opening up that avenue for women.

In fact, just the other day I read this in Springsteen's autobiography:

    Three days before we hit the road, Patti Scialfa joined the E Street Band. As the first woman in the band, she sent shock waves through the troops, broke the boys’ club, and everybody had to adjust, some more than others.

On the other hand, Robert Hand also wrote, “Men in particular should be wary of this transit, because their attitudes toward women may be rather unstable now, which can result in upsetting relationships.”

And there you have the flip side, where it might be Trump’s policies about women’s rights and access to abortion that will cause much rebellion.

Looking Back

To test which way this might go, we should see if any earlier Uranus transits to our Moon coincided with more freedom for women in the U.S. 

Wyoming becomes the first state to grant women the right to vote in all elections

Margaret Sanger wins her suit in New York to allow doctors to advise their married patients about birth control

During WWII, women take over manufacturing jobs, proving themselves in the workforce

In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court declares the Constitution protects women’s right to abortion
Sandra Day O’Connor becomes the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court

So not only were those breakthroughs for women, but many of these same issues are center stage this time around as well.

Chiron Return

It's also interesting to note that for all this year, and through to the Inauguration, Chiron, which represents the Wounded Healer, has returned to its natal place in the nation’s chart, which it does only every 49-51 years.

The last time we had a Chiron Return was for all of 1973 and 1974, again linking up with Roe v. Wade.

Summing Up

So it does seem as though this Uranus transit could be about Harris breaking through. Astrology is a symbolic language, and reading it correctly can be a challenge, but it could well fit this ongoing story of women’s rights.

And to go along with that, there’s another rare Uranus transit affecting our nation’s chart right now.

Uranus trine Midheaven  Aug 2024 - March 2027

Uranus brings about innovation, and the Midheaven is our public standing, and so, as Robert Hand writes, “You can make creative changes to your professional life. In your career, sudden opportunities may come about that enable you to move in radically new and different directions.”

And so with that supporting the idea of a woman President as well, this take on it might turn out accurate after all.

In Part 4 you’ll find me attempt to wrap it all up and finally give a forecast.

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