Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The 2024 Election - Part 1: The New Nominee

My forecast two years ago said Biden wouldn’t be reelected, and now we all know that for sure. It's July 24th as I begin this post, and the election has entered an entirely new stage. So let’s see what we can tell from a look at the new nominee.

Harris’s Transits

As you can see in her birth chart in the center, Harris has Uranus, Pluto, and Venus all conjunct in the fourth house, and right now Saturn, at the top, is opposite all three.

Saturn opposite Uranus  Mar, Oct, mid-Nov to mid-Dec 2024

This is one of the more stressful aspects because it’s stern Saturn, who likes to keep things going as they always have, coming up against Uranus, the most rebellious planet. So it’s like a drill instructor meeting Jimi Hendrix, who’s ready to plug in and shift the world. For Harris it will mean being challenged in changing things, especially with conservatives (which Saturn rules) trying to keep her down.

The good news is that she’s definitely working with a whole new routine each day, and so the Uranus side of it is given plenty of freedom to express itself.

Saturn opposite Pluto  Mar, Aug, mid-Jan

This one is similar, only Pluto rules transformation and power, and this transit can signify the peak of someone’s rise.

Saturn opposite Venus  Apr, Aug, Jan

This is often a depressing transit, where she’ll feel stress on her relationships, but it can teach her a lot about what matters. It’s actually a very fitting transit for conservatives opposing a woman in this election.

The last three important aspects Saturn has made to this conjunction of hers were a square in May 2002, when she successfully ran for District Attorney of San Francisco, a conjunction from Sept 2008 to June 2009, during which she announced her candidacy for California attorney general, and a square in 2016, when she became only the second Black woman and the first South Asian American to serve in the Senate.

So that’s a very good run for her with this cycle of transits.


Now we move out to the planet that is totally opposite Saturn. The one that likes to break up the status quo and bring in new inventions and innovation and help humanity at large.

Uranus transits are much rarer than Saturn. Squares to a particular planet come just once every 42 years, and conjunctions and oppositions just once a lifetime.

Uranus square Mars  April 2023 - April 2024

This one ended this spring, but will come back to four degrees off around the election, right where it will be in effect again, and just two degrees off in Jan 2025. Since Mars rules guns, this isn’t a good sign at all, especially with Mars square her Pluto right before the election. Remember, 
Trump has this one going on this year, too. That’s because both Harris and Trump have Mars at almost the same degree of Leo, the sign of leadership, which gives one a lot of drive.
    Mars in Leo gives a drive for significance....There is a strong will that gives these natives much staying power....In partnership, they demand loyalty and admiration....They easily get fired up when they feel they’ve been humiliated.
    Though some are self-righteous and quarrelsome, the more sophisticated people with this position are kindly leaders.
    - Cafe Astrology

Uranus conjunct Jupiter  May 2023 to April 2025

When you have Uranus combining with Jupiter, the planet of freedom, higher education, and wisdom, it’s a real blessing. It’s like your rocket hitting the nitro. All system go, everything humming along, expanding her world and her views.

This is an excellent transit for her to have during her campaign, especially when she’s running on a humanitarian message.

Uranus square Saturn  May 2024 to March 2026

This is when Uranus is ready to make changes to the status quo of Saturn. It can be very stressful if one wants to stay with routine, but fortunately she’s rolling with the changes.


Pluto square Mercury  Dec 2022 - Nov 2025

This transit would add a lot of depth and power to everything Harris thinks and says. She’ll have a lot on her mind, and her words will carry weight.

This is a great transit for a preacher, reformer, or politician, especially if you continue to learn from your experiences rather than rely on old beliefs.

Comparing Rotten Apples to Coconuts

So, comparing the transits of 
Trump and Harris, the question becomes which is stronger - Uranus conjunct one’s Midheaven, which Trump has this year, or Uranus conjunct Jupiter, which Harris has? One directly affects one’s career and public status, for good or bad, and the other is about expanded opportunities.

Trump, all that energy of unpredictable, eccentric Uranus has been highlighting his public standing.

For Harris, she’s being seen as a reformer and an advocate for justice, which Jupiter rules.

All in all, it’s much closer than I thought it would be. When I first saw 
Trump’s string of positive transits vs Biden’s, it all pointed to Trump being elected again. For instance, Trump has Jupiter trine Jupiter during the election, one of the best transits there is, and the same transit that Harris had when she was elected VP.

But Harris has plenty of strong transits, too, and they support the theme of taking on more responsibility and wielding her authority well.

Summing Up

Two years ago I would have given 
Trump a 90% chance of winning. Now, with Harris, I’d say everything is even. Trump has the more dramatic transits and Harris the more professional ones, but they’re definitely both contenders.

And since these posts are all about studying if astrology can give insight on political events, that forecast is based on their transits only. I’ve avoided all polls so that I’m not influenced by them in writing these posts.

But we all know that the electorate college always benefits the GOP, and is why
Trump won the first time. And of course there will be lots of other issues that will come up and add confusion to the election, especially when the nation has Neptune opposite its Midheaven this year, which will lead to much misleading information, deceit, and delusion.

So as to who I’m giving the edge to, I’m not making any decision yet. First we should look a little deeper, at the transits each of them has during the important dates.

And you can find that post here.

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The 2024 Election - Part 1: The New Nominee

My forecast two years ago said Biden wouldn’t be reelected, and now we all know that for sure. It's July 24th as I begin this post, and ...