written 12/6/24 to 1/19/25
Lately the news has been full of Trump preparing for the next four years. With every appointment worse than the one before, it seems this will be, in the words of Sam Adams, an Insolence of Administration.
The purpose of this blog is not to get into speculation about why Trump is intent on sabotaging our government. My job is to outline, as clearly as I can, what the actual outcome of all this will be. And also, at the same time, to test how accurate basic astrology can be in forecasting the nation's political landscape and general well-being.
I just printed up our transits for the next four years, and it's not good. A bunch of drunk thugs banging on a short-circuiting pinball machine, while another tries to jimmy all the quarters out of it, might be the best summary. But underneath it all are some deep, tectonic shifts in the foundation of our government that might actually work to our benefit.
So let's get to it.
Forecast For The Nation: Cloudy With A Chance Of Civil War
We start with Saturn, which rules the solid structures of our lives, including government, corporations, and big business. Saturn is a very stern taskmaster. Think of a drill sergeant who you really resent, but who teaches you how to keep your act together when it counts.
The last few years we've had it pretty good - Saturn trine our Venus, Jupiter, and Sun, right up to this month. Lots of solid work and things going well.
But Saturn's about to hit the brakes with a square to Mars.
Saturn square Mars Feb 2025
Squares are obstacles, or challenges, and Mars rules anger, cars, fire, guns, and the military. So having Saturn square Mars is like trying to drive with the brakes on - it's very frustrating, and you feel held back.
My guess is that this will be the new administration finding roadblocks to their reforms, or the military not appreciating having veterans' benefits slashed.
Saturn opposite Neptune mid-Feb - mid-Mar 2025
At about the same time, this transit to Neptune, which rules both drugs and delusions, shows the nation will have Saturn dashing all the illusions of a utopia under Trump. It could also mean the new FDA head putting limits on medicine, including vaccines.
This description of this transit definitely sounds like how other countries will see us during Trump's first month:
A time of self-doubt and confusion, which can hurt relationships. You will likely become confused about your responsibilities and what others expect of you.
You will probably be less realistic, practical, and efficient than usual... Risk of disappointment, loss, embarrassment, deception, and scandal.
- Astrology King
Saturn square Venus mid-Feb - mid-Mar 2026
Venus rules our possessions, so the start of Trump's second year may well show difficulty with finances or not having enough funding. This would tie right in with debate over raising the debt limit while extending tax cuts.
Saturn square Pluto July 2027 - Mar 2028
A time when you can't seem to make the changes you want. Also issues around the government and the limits of power.
To sum up, the worst transits from Saturn take place during the first few months of the next administration. Whether that means Trump will realize he can't get all he wants, or that the opposition will last only a few months, is the real question.
Now we move out to unpredictable Uranus, where you can expect the unexpected, and the transits last for years.
Uranus square Moon May 2024 - Mar 2026
Here's how I wrote of it two years ago. Uranus comes into a challenging aspect to our Moon every 20-22 years, and they're often unsettling since they bring about emotional upheaval and force people to adjust to new circumstances. They've coincided with the start of the War of 1812, WWI, and WWII, and was in effect for 9/11 as well. Exactly the kind of sudden, emotionally-wrought changes to the home front that Uranus aspecting the nation's vulnerable, emotional Moon could bring.
(Historical events like those often are a combination of many strong transits, as with 9/11, when Pluto was crossing our Ascendant for the first time ever. So don't read too much into one transit, but look for the combined effects.)
It all begins in the election year of 2024, but most of it will be during the first year of the next administration, so it's a definite sign it will be fraught with tension.
Here's Robert Hand's interpretation, from his classic Planets in Transit:
This transit will create tensions and sudden changes in your personal and emotional life. Every little tension that you have suppressed over the last several years will suddenly seem to surface and demand to be released in some way.
Your domestic life may be the source of considerable upsets now. There may be accidents in the home, a sudden need for house repairs, or other sudden problems on this front.
Men in particular should be wary of this transit, because their attitudes toward women may be rather unstable now, which can result in upsetting relationships.
We're almost halfway through this one, and you've already seen what it's done: stirred up half the people against a female candidate, riled up the other half against a candidate found guilty of sexual assault, and put women in duress over their rights, with jerks taunting women with "Your body, my choice."
Uranus trine Pluto May 2024 - Feb 2026
Uranus trine Midheaven May 2025 - May 2026
Both of these are beneficial transits that can help one make creative changes. So that first year might actually help clear out some aspects of the government that have been dragging things down, or get them to work more effectively. It doesn't seem that way right now, of course. But Uranus does work in surprising ways.
Uranus conjunct Uranus July 2026 - May 2028
Just as our nation's Pluto's Return was the most important transit of the past four years, these next two transits are the most important of the nation's transits for the next four years.
Uranus returns to its natal place in everyone's chart when you're 84 and winding up your life. For nations, though, it's just the start of another cycle. Uranus rules electricity, invention, sudden changes, breakthroughs, earthquakes, and the internet. Events come out of nowhere and everything seems like it's broken, but it's only Uranus opening a way to a better situation.
Here's how I wrote of it two years ago.
In 2026 we have Uranus returning to its place in our chart. It does this only once every 84 years, and for a person it's often a time of breaking free of the past and becoming more truly yourself.
How this will play out for the nation I don't know, but there surely won't be anything predictable or stable going on while it lasts. Uranus rules earthquakes, and this will shake things up but leave us in a better place.
As you'll see in my next post, Trump has this one coming up as well, and Vance has the opposition, which comes when you're 42. So the nation, Trump, and Vance are all getting strongly aspected by Uranus in the next few years.
Uranus opposite Ascendant July 2027 - May 2029
This one is just as unpredictable and likely more disruptive. That's because the point opposite the Ascendent deals with actions from others. In fact, when Mars was at this point in Bush Jr's inauguration chart, many astrologers forecast war.
In the same way, this could be some foreign interference or something that affects our electrical grid. Our allies could change unexpectantly, or some new invention or espionage tool, as with AI, will be used against us.
Here's how I wrote of it two years ago.
This one is even more unpredictable, since its actions often come from others. As with a rebellious group bringing in revolution, or sudden changes in our allies. Or the next election might be marked by something completely haywire.
So in all, from 2024 to mid 2029 will be a very unpredictable time for the nation.
And here's a word of caution from Robert Hand's book:
You may become involved in very disruptive legal disputes. Be careful of acting in a way that stirs people up against you, for they could become extremely disruptive, if you give them any excuse.
So Uranus shows we have another year of emotional turmoil, and then some kind of big shake-up starting in the second half of Trump's second year and going to the end, with the last year-and-a-half the most dramatic.
Troubling Tag Team
Since our nation's Uranus is opposite our Ascendant in our birth chart, we always get that last pair of transits together.
The only times our nation has had Uranus return to its natal position were
June 1859 - April 1861
May 1943 - May 1944
And the only times we've had Uranus opposite our Ascendant were
June 1860 - Mar 1862
Aug 1943 - May 1945
Yeah, not exactly reassuring to see that in a couple of years Uranus will be in the same house and same sign, and again making the same exact aspects, as it did at those times of war.
In fact, we also had Uranus opposite our Ascendant right at the start, from Dec 1776 - April 1778. That fits, because in Feb 1778 we formed a surprising alliance with the nation we'd just been fighting in the French and Indian War.
Now we get out to Neptune. Over the past eight years we've covered how Neptune has opened the door to a flood of misinformation and gaslighting in politics. Neptune rules illusions and delusions, and moves like the fog, clouding things over and confusing people till they've lost all sense of direction.
Neptune opposite Midheaven Mar 2024 - Jan 2027
Here's what I wrote two years ago.
The Midheaven rules one's public standing and government, and so during this time we're going to be more unsure of ourselves, driving in the fog, not sure where to go. It'll feel like there's no firm footing as we try to make sense of things. It also shows how for the next election the fog machines will be on full again, and many will be misguided in who to trust.
That sums up the 2024 election, with most Republicans getting their news from unreliable sources. Biden himself mentioned this in his farewell address, saying, "Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation, enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling. Social media is giving up on fact checking. The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit."
Neptune square Venus Mar 2025 - Jan 2028
So far Trump's appointed fourteen billionaires to his administration, and if you think they're there to cut waste and not simply do what they've always done, which is work the system to benefit themselves the most, well, you can thank Neptune for that.
Venus rules our possessions and values, and with this transit going on, all sorts of shady deals will happen out of sight and financial regulations will be eroded. With debate over the debt limit, this also might signify the loss of trust in the American dollar in the global market.
Neptune square Jupiter June 2025 - Feb 2029
As if those two weren't enough, this one is about to kick in as well and run through the entire term. Jupiter expands everything, and with Neptune aspecting it, it's about losing all sense of perspective in your beliefs and faith. Evangelicals will get to feeling so holier-than-thou, they'll be levitating out of their pews. And the government will be using religion as an excuse to prop up and enact laws that would never stand on their own.
Vance has Neptune conjunct his Jupiter in his birth chart, and he has this very same transit for the next three years, so count on him to be leading the charge as they try to force their delusions on everyone else.
Here's what I wrote two years ago.
This one is a danger in that Jupiter expands all the qualities of Neptune. At its worst will be the temptation to go full out in addictions, such as gambling and drugs. It could also mean a great deal of gaslighting and deception.
So in all, for the past seven years Neptune has been undercutting the functions of an informed democracy, and will continue to do so. Whoever we elect in 2024, it won't be with any sense of clarity.
Robert Hand's book gives this word of warning:
Your fantasies may take the form of an overdeveloped belief in your own strength and power. You may feel that you cannot lose, but if you succumb to this belief, the day will come when you lose very badly, and then your foolish overconfidence will be replaced with defeat and discouragement.
Be particularly careful to avoid wild speculations and risks, for you will almost certainly lose out; you aren't paying enough attention to the reality of the situation, and you are seeing only what you want to see. You are more than usually gullible at this time, especially if someone flatters your sense of importance.
You may take a somewhat more exalted but equally futile path by becoming involved in a religious or spiritual movement that makes you lose all touch with reality.
An example of this would be when Speaker Johnson, in convening the new Congress, read a prayer into the record that he said was a favorite of Thomas Jefferson's. That Jefferson even recited it every morning.
Not only was that prayer not heard of until 1882, but Jefferson's views on Christianity are nothing Johnson would ever admit to. Jefferson admired the moral teachings of Jesus, but didn't believe in any miracles or the story of divinity. Instead, Jefferson wrote things like this:
The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
And for what could apply to Johnson and his Christian nationalists:
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
So to sum up Neptune, the entire term will be clouded in delusion, deceit, and financial scams, all wrapped up and broadcast as God's favorite nation entering its greatest age.
The Fog of War
Here's the only times we've gotten those three transits from Neptune.
Neptune opposite Midheaven
June 1859 - Feb 1863
Right back to the Civil War. And when Neptune was halfway through its orbit, it was conjunct our Midheaven from Nov 1940 - July 1944.
Neptune square Venus
Dec 1777 - Aug 1781
May 1860 - Feb 1864
Nov 1941 - July 1945
Neptune square Jupiter
Oct 1779 - Sept 1782
Apr 1862 - Feb 1865
Dec 1942 - Aug 1946
Those dates are almost the same as Uranus's transits, because while Uranus orbits our charts every 84 years, Neptune takes almost exactly twice that, 165 years, and squares come twice a cycle. And now the two planets have teamed up again.
Why Neptune should be tied up with warfare, I don't know, except that during times of war, the truth is always the first casualty.
And finally we get to Pluto, the planet of transformation, which has rocked the foundations of the nation these past few years, but now offers a helpful transit.
Pluto trine Uranus Mar 2026 - Dec 2029
Once all that frustration of Saturn is past, and Neptune's fog begins to clear away, Pluto offers a chance to be creative in changing things for the good of everyone.
Uranus rules invention and humanity as a whole, and here Pluto's power will help bring about new systems of government and renewable power. It'll clear out what isn't working and set a better foundation.
The only times the nation had this one before were
April 1780 - Jan 1784
Oct 1973 - Sept 1975
So it coincides with when we were fighting the second half of the Revolution, including when we ratified the Articles of Confederation, and when Nixon resigned in Aug 1974.
The Nation's Progressions: Not Much Progress
Progressed Moon in Aries 12/5/24 - 11/29/26
For the past four years our progressed Moon has been in humanitarian Aquarius and compassionate Pisces. But now it's moved into Aries, the sign of Mars, which rules men, ego, conflict, and war. So it's no wonder we've been seeing all this macho grandstanding, or Zuckerberg saying corporations need more "masculine energy."
Progressed Moon square Venus Feb/Mar 2025
Venus rules our possessions and values, and the incoming administration values nothing more than possessions. So this most probably marks the tax cuts they're going to drop right at the start. Also, the Neptune square Venus transit starts that very month, showing the tax cuts won't benefit the nation.
Progressed Moon opposite Saturn Nov 2025
A depressing time.
Progressed Moon square Pluto Sept 2026
Possible anger here, especially at injustice or the misuse of power.
Progressed Moon conjunct Uranus July/Aug 2029
Some sudden event will affect everyone's emotions. For an example, our progressed Moon was opposite Uranus for Nov 2016.
Major Progressions
All those Moon progressions are in effect for just a month or two. Our Sun's progressions, though, are in effect for a full year before and after it's exact.
Progressed Sun square Mars Feb 2025 - Feb 2027
The Sun is our willpower and intention, and a square aspect to Mars is about arguments, conflict, and basically being a bully. You meet resistance and get angry. So the entire first two years of the next administration will not at all be one of everything going smoothly and people appreciating all their actions.
The only time we've had this one before was for April 1846 to April 1848. A month after it started, we declared war on Mexico, and before it was through we had seized California. I'm sure this won't ease the mind of anyone in Greenland.
Progressed Sun opposite Neptune Mar 2026 - Mar 2028
For the second and third years of the administration, we're back to Neptune again. Meaning the government will be misleading people or outright deceiving us. And all the while telling us we're winning. Could also be issues with illusions, as with the movie industry and drugs, as well as vaccines.
The only times we've had this progression before are a conjunction for May 1847 to May 1849 and a square from May 1937 to May 1939. I just glanced at what happened then, and sure enough, in Oct 1937 we got the Marihuana Tax Act, which was a campaign of deliberate deceit over the dangers of weed, all to give western sheriffs the right to arrest Mexican immigrants. So this may signal finally legalizing weed or locking people up for other drugs, such as birth control or abortion medications.
Wrapping Up
Between you and me I think we are in an exceeding dangerous situation.
- George Washington
The main themes of all we just went over are turmoil, delusion, and aggression. These aren't new to anyone who's been listening to Trump, but it at least shows there's a reason it's happening now. Throughout our nation's history the same stories are played out time and again, and the next four years will be a very tense, unpredictable time.
What got us through those times were good leaders. Men of dignity and humility, who in the end took the path of upholding our ideal of a just, free nation of equals. While at the same time being very practical and knowing who to trust to get the job done.
We won't have that this time. We'll have a Commander in Chief who has already taunted our allies with threats of invasion, and who has surrounded himself with an inexperienced cabinet that has conflicting views on national policy. We will be like a gunboat without a rudder, spinning down river in a thick fog and firing our cannons all the way, not caring who we hit as long as we make a big noise.
In short, everything's
going to be falling apart, and it's going to take a
couple years for it to get to the point where even Fox News can't hide it anymore. Then the door might open to Uranus forging the way for something new.
To get a better look at how Trump will govern, and what years will be worst, we'll go over his own transits in Part 2.