Sunday, September 13, 2020

An Introduction and Handy Guide to These Posts

About twenty years ago a friend gave me an astrology reading for my birthday. I didn’t know anything about it besides the stuff in newspapers, and what I discovered was a fascinating study that combined my interests in astronomy, history, and philosophy.

I soon got into doing my own studies, testing things out, and ever since then I’ve kept it up and definitely found merit in it.

If nothing else, it’s an interesting study that looks for a pattern of meaning to how events come about, and what’s more interesting than the current state of politics?

So I thought I’d post my findings of late, as I have every few years in e-mails to friends, and if you’re new to my reports, welcome.

With these forecasts I try to give as accurate a view as I can for how we got here and what will happen next. I wish I could shorten them to a tight paragraph, but as with the stock market, it’s never as simple as that, but a big symphonic stew of many factors all going on at once.

For those cautious about if astrology is okay with their religion, not only did Renaissance popes have court astrologers, and St. Thomas Aquinas study it and say, “The celestial bodies are the cause of all that takes place in the sublunar world,” but the official standing of the Church for fifty years is astrology is fine as long as you don’t rule out free will. Plus, Kepler was deeply devout and sought to discover the laws of planetary motion to better understand the workings of God. And yet he was a working astrologer as well, giving advice to generals and the nobility.

And for those ready to mock astrology on scientific grounds, I’d simply ask if you’ve ever studied it. It doesn't work by gravity, but then, we never had to know how gravity works to benefit from it, or for Galileo to use it to calculate accurate artillery.

And Einstein, even he had great resistance to quantum mechanics, and so with two friends wrote the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper, which pointed out this great flaw they found. And through that he unknowingly opened the door to the proof of quantum entanglement, which he called "spooky action at a distance." Which sounds a lot like astrology.

At times I’m skeptical myself, especially with the more esoteric techniques, but from all my studies, I’ve found it’s like the weather forecast - not always perfect, but definitely accurate enough to be useful. And one of the reasons I do these reports is to see just how accurate it can be.

Everything I write here is from my own research, including the history. If astrology is a science, then dozens of astrologers should be able to run the same data and get the same results, so I don't read other reports until I've posted my own findings.

And finally, to those who’ll say Pluto isn’t even a planet, there’s no rule that planets (or dwarf planets) are the only ones that matter. Just like astronomy, astrology expanded to include the asteroids with their discovery in the 1800s, and today every astrology program charts a dozen asteroids, from Ceres to Vesta. Plus, it doesn’t matter whether you call a whale a fish or a mammal - you’re still going to feel it when it rocks your boat.

A Guide to This Site

2020: The Year of Pluto  Sept 2020

This post is key to understanding everything the nation has been going through. It covers the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020, our nation’s Pluto Return, and how it all ties in with the Revolution.

The 2020 Election  Sept 2020

We go over Trump’s and Biden’s transits, including their debate and inauguration transits, and my forecast for who would win in 2020.

January Update: Capitol Offences  Jan 2021

A look at the events of January 6, focusing on our nation's transits from Neptune and Pluto.

A Progressive Presidency  Jan 2021

This one covers the transits for the U.S., Biden, and Harris for 2021 to 2025. (Unless you're really into the politics of the past four years, it's kind of boring, so feel free to skip it.)

Presidential Forecast 2022-2028  Nov 2022

In 2022, I looked at how the second half of Biden's presidency will play out and made my forecast of who will win in 2024. The most important section here is Part 1.

Part 1: The Fog of Rebellion
    A look at the nation's transits

    Part 2: The Contenders
    Biden's and Trump's transits, how Trump is the Mars of Malcontents

    Part 3: The Big Days
    The events of the 2024 election

    Part 4: Pluto at Noon
    The 2025 Inauguration and closing thoughts

The 2024 Election  Sept 2024

My latest post, where I try to figure out who will win the election now that Harris is the nominee.

    Part 1: The New Nominee
    Harris's transits

    Part 2: Election Events
    The big days of the campaign

    Part 3: State of the Nation
    The nation's transits

    Part 4: Laying Down the Cards
    My forecast for who will win the election

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